Turmeric essential oil botanical name is Curcuma domestica; the plant is perennial and grows in southwestern India but is found throughout the Asian continent. Turmeric grows about 3 feet and has a yellow flower, and the root is bright orange with a thin brownish skin; the rhizomes provide the spice. Turmeric and ginger are from the same family, known as Indian saffron. Turmeric has been used as a spice and dye, the plant was also called Indian Saffron in the Middle Ages because of its orange-yellow color, and the dye is used to color cosmetics, foods, confectionery, fabrics, and paper.
Turmeric is used to strengthen the liver, especially in Ayurdervic and Chinese medicine, and turmeric root has been used to stimulate circulation, improve digestion, lower blood pressure, relieve menstrual problems, and relieve aches, pains, and inflammation.
The tea made from rhizomes is used to abort the fetus in Arabic countries, and in Africa, rhizomes are used as a tonic, help digestion, and is a laxative. Turmeric is added to oriental types of perfumes and used to flavor food products and is an ingredient in curry powder in various mustards.
Hindu monks wore bright turmeric-colored clothes to symbolize their connection to the sun and the solar chakra; the center of energy and are you doing over turmeric is called the universal cleanser because it protects the body from internal and external disorders. The medicinal properties and components, primarily curcumin and turmeric, is the most researched and have been the subject of more than 5600 reviews and published biomedical studies.
Vibrational Uses for this oil include:
Digestive system: colic, flatulence, dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, diabetes
Nervous system: Alzheimerʼs disease, Parkinsonʼs disease, dementia
Musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, muscle aches and fatigue, arthritis
Skin: psoriasis, eczema, acne
Cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, vascular thrombosis
Earthy, warm, slightly spicy and woody.
Blends Well With:
Citrus, clary sage, clove, cinnamon, ginger, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, nutmeg, ylang ylang.
Sore Joints
Apply Turmeric to that spot where you are experiencing aches for quick relief. Be sure to avoid sensitive areas.
5 drops Turmeric essential oil
5 drops Frankincense essential oil
5 drops Oregano essential oil
10 drops Copaiba essential oil
Add the following in an empty 10ml roller bottle, fill with Carrier Oil and apply as needed.
Facial Steam
1 drop turmeric essential oil
2 drops thyme essential oil
1 drop lavender essential oil
1 drop lemon essential oil
a bowl of warm water
a towel
Prepare a bowl of warm water, and add your essential oils. Grab your towel and wrap it around your head and the bowl. Breathe deeply and steam for up to 10 minutes. Once completed, splash droplets of cold water on your face and neck.
Safety data/contraindications: Use small amounts. It may interact with aspirin, blood pressure, antiplatelet, and anticoagulant medications, and increase the risk of bleeding among people with bleeding disorders based on ar-turmerone content. It may interact with diabetes medications and cause low blood sugar levels.
— Essential Oils for Acne, Skin Care, Hair Care, Massage and Perfumes: 120 Essential Oil Blends and Recipes for Skin Care, Acne, Hair Care, Dandruff, Massage ... and Essential Oils Beginners Guide Book 3) by Charles Gruger
— The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia by Carol Schiller and David Schiller