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The Vibrations of Black Pepper Essential Oil

Writer's picture: VibrationsVibrations

Black Pepper has a fresh, dry, woody warm, and spicey aroma. Many dishes often use black pepper as a seasoning or culinary spice. It is a perennial plant that grows up to 13 feet tall on a support system, such as trellises or poles. Piper nigrum is the family name for black pepper and is a member of the Piperaeae family; the fruit is called "drupe" or, when dried, "peppercorn," which is then used to make black pepper.

This fruit is native and cultivated in southern India in warm, humid regions; the crop thrives in tropical environments, growing in moist soil, unflooded, and with a good amount of organic matter. Vietnam has 34% of the market production, the crop's largest cultivator and exporter.

The most traded spice in the world, black pepper, stands side by side with white salt worldwide. The root of the word "pepper" is from the Dravidian word "pippali," adopted into the Latin and Greek languages and reinstated as "piper." Old English "piper" was used for black pepper, but many peppers were referred to as "piper," and by the 16th century, "pepper" was used only for the seasoning but used in a metaphorical way to refer to a person's spirit or energy, shortened to 'pep" in the 20th century.

Black pepper was also known as black gold as it was prized and primarily sourced from India and regularly traded throughout history; even today, there is a form of payment called "peppercorn rent" for goods and services. Black pepper was found in the nostrils and abdomen of the mummified Ramses II. Black pepper was used in Egypt for mummification, shoved in the nostrils of dead pharaohs, but no one knows how it found its way from Asia to Egypt.

In medieval Europe, black pepper was commonly traded for ounces of gold, and during the middle ages and the siege of Rome, AD 400, the spice was used as currency. Workers were commonly forbidden to wear clothes with pockets to ensure they did not steal the valuable peppercorn. Peppercorn was enjoyed in many foods and treasured for its ability to control bacteria or organisms in the human body.

Variations Of Blackpeppers Vibration

There are three states of the peppercorn, white, green, and black; the white refers to the seeds of the ripe fruit, the green in its dried unripe state, and the black is when it is cooked and dried in the unripe state. The latter is used for making essential oil.

Vibrational Uses For This Oil:
  • Strengthening the body's defense against flu

  • dysentery

  • tooth infection

  • fungal infection

  • fatigue

  • digestive issues

  • flatulence

  • diarrhea

  • constipation

  • nausea

  • muscle pain

  • nerve pain

  • vomiting

  • chilblain

  • poor circulation

  • arthritis

  • Boost of energy

  • supports the endocrine stem and metabolism

Blends Well With:

Frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, marjoram, spices, and floral oils.




Mix all ingredients in a small bowl or container, then apply to relieve sore muscles in a full body massage.

Energy Booster


Diffuse throughout your home to stimulate energy

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Safety data: Use a small amount, and people with dry or sensitive skin might need more carrier oil when using black pepper topically.



— Black Pepper Essential Oil: Uses, Studies, Benefits, Applications & Recipes by Ann Sullivan

— The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia by Carol Schiller and David Schiller

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