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How Does Neptune in Virgo Influence Your Astrological Chart?

neptune in virgo goddess

Neptune finds itself at a detriment in Virgo, as Virgo is the opposite of Pisces, ruled by Neptune. This generation, born between 1928 and 1942, embodies Neptune in Virgo, consistently striving to express themselves through a medium that contrasts Neptune's essence. The positive expression of Neptune in Virgo allows this generation to channel Neptunian energy effectively, emphasizing the necessity of understanding the universal amidst the practical details of life. They seek transcendence within the everyday and material aspects of existence.

Qualities: Positive-Negative

Neptune's position in Virgo indicates particular personality traits and qualities often found among individuals of your generation who resonate with the Neptunian energy, especially if Neptune interacts with another planet or holds a significant position. Below are typical qualities associated with Neptune in Virgo, categorized into positive traits and their more negative or dysfunctional counterparts. These attributes are grouped into three categories that relate to key functions symbolized by Neptune: idealism/illusionism, sensitivity, and transcendence/disintegration.

  • Idealism/Illusionism: You hold an idealized view of purity, perfection, and high standards of behavior. This leads to unrealistic expectations for flawless outcomes, making it difficult to accept the reality of imperfection. Your belief in your purity may be exaggerated, resulting in swift disappointment when your standards of perfection are not achieved.

  • Sensitivity: You are keenly aware of details and follow appropriate conduct; your analytical mindset reflects your sensitivity. You become distressed when order is disrupted and may focus overly on minor details.

  • Transcendence/Disintegration: Your spiritual journey highlights the importance of finding a balance between everyday life and spiritual values, with a focus on etiquette (correct thinking and appropriate behavior) in your practices. While you find it challenging to rise above the ordinary, you can easily navigate disintegration. You associate a lack of control over details with disorder, and the idea of dissolution triggers feelings of fear and anxiety.


Your ego is heavily invested in maintaining an ordered and predictable life, which leads to feelings of insecurity. The constant presence of chaos and disorder threatens the stability you cling to. You struggle to relinquish control over the events and situations in your life. Your fixation on managing details and ensuring order can result in a deep-seated fear of chaos invading your life, causing compulsive and neurotic behaviors to emerge.

Virgo Essential oils:
lavender essential oil

Signature oil


Its refreshing and invigorating fragrance aids in fostering inner freedom from compulsive behaviors. Like numerous essential oils, lavender can assist in breaking negative mental patterns, such as Virgo's harsh inner critic or detrimental self-talk. Lavender oil is a fantastic skincare product that enhances healing and rejuvenation for various skin types, such as dehydrated, inflamed, or cracked skin. Its anti-inflammatory characteristics are beneficial for addressing conditions like rashes, acne, eczema, boils, dermatitis, leg ulcers, and psoriasis.

Carrier oils:

  • almond

  • hazelnut

  • pecan

  • pomegranate


BIRTHSTONES Sardonyx, Peridot




  • Agate

  • Amazonite

  • Amber

  • Blue Topaz

  • Carnelian

  • Cerussite

  • Chrysocolla

  • Citrine

  • Dioptas

  • Garnet

    • Magnesite

    • Moonstone

    • Opal

    • Purple Obsidian

    • Red Tourmaline

    • Rutilated Quartz (Angel Hair)

    • Sapphire

    • Smithsonite

    • Sodalite

    • Sugilite

    • Vanadinite

    • Violet Spinel

    • Watermelon Tourmaline

Virgo birthstones

Peridot, your birthstone, adds a touch of brightness and vitality while enhancing your keen perception. It aids in shedding habits that hinder your progress and promotes self-compassion – a crucial element in combatting self-criticism. Peridot's powerful cleansing properties help break free from negative cycles and past burdens. If you have completed essential inner work, Peridot swiftly propels you towards a new phase of personal growth, urging you to tap into your higher energies for direction.


You hold integrity and ethical behavior in high regard, and your Sardonyx birthstone reflects these attributes. Being steadfast and reliable, this stone aligns with your quest for a purposeful life and aids in information processing. Boosting your determination fortifies your personality and improves your self-discipline. Sardonyx supports your desire to delve deep into matters until you reach the core. It assists in fostering stable relationships and drawing good friends towards you.

Leave a comment if your sun sign is in Virgo and the house.

Divine trio astrology readings provide unique insight into your life by analyzing the positions and relationships of three major celestial bodies: the Sun, the Moon, and the Ascendant. This trio forms a powerful foundation for understanding an individual's essence, emotional world, and outward personality.

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— The Crystal Zodiac: Use Birthstones to Enhance Your Life by Judy Hall

— Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs by Gargatholil

— Crystal Zodiac: An Astrological Guide to Enhancing Your Life with Crystals by Katie Huang

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