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February Monthly Forecast

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

The planets' central positions this month are:

Pluto 28-29 degrees in Capricorn, Neptune 23-24 degrees in Pisces, Uranus 14-15 degrees in Taurus, Saturn 25-29 degrees in Aquarius, and Jupiter 6-11 degrees in Aries.

All the planets are moving direct, but the sun is in detriment in Aquarius, Mercury in Capricorn, Venus exalted in Pisces, and Mars in Gemini. Mercury will join the Sun in Aquarius midway through the month, and then the sun will enter Pisces a few days before Venus enters her detriment in Aries. By month's end, the long-running Mars Neptune Square from 2022 returns to an orb, approaching its final exact alignment in March.

On February 5, the full moon will be in Leo, Aquarius will be opposite the moon in Leo, and T-square with Uranus and the north node. The sun will also trine Mars and sextile Chiron, while the moon will be sextile Mars and trine Chiron. Mercury is conjunct Pluto and sextiles Neptune, while Venus is square Mars and sextile Uranus. Mars will also sextile Chiron, as Jupiter is conjunct Chiron moving towards an exact alignment next month.

The lunation highlights difficulties between being yourself and coming together with others in a group. You may feel sociable and interested in people but also cold and agitated. You may be unpredictable or erratic with a desire for freedom that could become demanding; you may also be irritable if you don't get your way. Channel your restlessness into action to successfully go after your goals and get things done.

Venus square to Mars could cause conflict in your relationship if you go against your more in-depth values. But Venus will be exalted in Pisces; therefore, she may inspire an uplift, soften your heart and bring a desire for harmony. Use these energies to channel inspiration into artistic or creative works. While mercury wants to have a profound conversation and can see into the depths, this could be a good time for doing research or writing projects.

Tap into transformational ideas that are grounded and practical; Jupiter will bring awareness to old wounds or areas that need healing. As Jupiter and Chiron move closer over the coming months, you may become aware of painful issues. On February 20th, the new moon in Pisces will conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and sextile the north node. Mercury in Aquarius will be trine Mars, sextile Jupiter in Chiron, and square Uranus. Venus conjuncts Neptune and sextile Pluto, as Mars is sextile Chiron, and Jupiter is conjunct Chiron.

This lunation may feel sensitive and dreamy, with a desire to float away on an ideological cloud of creativity in transcendent bliss. This is a new beginning; you may be too diffuse and unfocused, drift into a dream world, and get lost. The conjunction of Saturn could bring you back to reality and help to keep your feelings grounded, but it could also be a good time for creative work and spiritual practice; However, Saturn may be too abstract and could cut you off from your feelings which will leave you depressed if you are not careful.

Venus Neptune conjunction will reinforce the tendency to daydream and escape from your reality, but you can harness the energy by finding inspiration that opens up your perception and has a transformative effect on your life. Use this time to explore any current issues that may need healing. Sudden flashes of insight and intuition from Mercury might be brimming with unusual and inventive ideas. The trine to mars adds restlessness and the desire to communicate with anyone who will listen, while Jupiter adds positivity and optimism to keep you upbeat.

However, Uranus may increase the tendency for erratic thoughts and ideas that are too far out and might alienate you. The theme with Neptune will continue as the month end, and Saturn creeps closer to its ingress into Pisces in March. Mars Neptune Square, which ran through the Mars retrograde cycle last year, will return at an 8° orb on the 21st of February and will make its final exact alignment a week after Saturn enters Pisces.

Mars square Neptune can help you to act on your dreams and visions to make them real, but this can also encourage escapism and dependence and undermine your energy levels. If you cannot take action or are confused about what you want to do, this can lead to underhand or deceptive motions, using manipulation to get what you want rather than being direct. In March, Mars also trines Saturn, which will help mitigate some of the worst of the square to Neptune.

Individual Horoscope



This month will be unique, and you will be fortunate; in addition, Jupiter and Venus arrive in your sign on day 20, and your life will be calm and even more beautiful. Throughout the month, Mars makes you more lively than usual. And your energy will be at its peak. Mercury will be in a promising aspect from the 11th to the end of the month, facilitating both your work projects and friendships, which will become more intense at the end of the month.

No planets in retrograde motion this month; therefore, take advantage of this absence of chaos by setting aside quality time to work on career objectives, develop your strategic organizational goals, and locate resources you will need to get the job done. Jupiter and Mars are on friendly terms and will highlight quality communication and sought-after agreement in negotiating favorable contract terms.


Your favorite romance dates for February will be the 10th and the 22nd. You may celebrate Valentine's Day early due to your work obligation. If unattached, you may spot a pair of captivating eyes across a crowded room on the 17th and find a reason to cultivate an introduction.


From the 10th through the 18th, your collaborative efforts may pay off when you get detailed, putting your shareholders or stakeholders in a trusting, positive mindset. Celebrate with a robust lunch on the 18th, involving professional contacts with talents you may value. On the 20th it will be an excellent time to accept an invitation dinner date with a friend.

Potential Issues

The third key piece on your home base is when family members may be cranky and lack the focus to concentrate on your directive. Try not to overspend for a Valentine's Day gift, especially the Leo full moon of the 5th. You could easily overlook quality if the gift price is too reasonable to be valid, especially on the 8th.

Rewarding days

10,17,18 ,22

Challenging days















— 2023 HOROSCOPE Magical Days: Your astrological forecast and all the secret about you …. by Artemisia - Mirzia

— Llewellyn's 2023 Sun Sign Book: Horoscopes for Everyone by Llewellyn

— Horoscope 2023 by Alina A. Rubi, Angeline A. Rubi

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