The Moon in Scorpio indicates a deep emotional need for security, which stems from your desire to maintain control over your inner and outer environments to feel at ease. Many behaviors and personality traits linked to this placement arise from the quest for emotional safety, even as you seek emotional intimacy. You may discover that intimacy offers emotional security, provided the relationship remains controlled. After all, intimacy is a private matter, and privacy helps shield you from potentially harmful external influences. The emotional energy you generate can become quite intense within the realm of intimacy, especially if that bond is threatened or disrupted. This energy can appear explosive when unleashed, particularly to those on the receiving end.
Scorpio, known as the Fixed Water sign, intensifies the Moon's watery energy and enhances its expression. The Moon's favorable position in Scorpio is reflected in the natural trine between Scorpio and Cancer, ruled by the Moon. While the Moon's qualities may feel somewhat constrained by Scorpio's fixed nature, they find solace in its fluid essence. As a result, Moon-related functions can thrive in a supportive environment where they are safe from threats, leading to remarkable growth.
Scorpio Personality
Scorpios are fixed water signs, representing the transformative power of water that can gradually wear down even the most demanding granite. This embodies Scorpio's strength: their unwavering determination and intense focus on achieving their goals. Co-ruled by Pluto (symbolizing power, regeneration, and healing) and Mars (representing energy, action, drive, and ambition), Scorpios radiate a compelling magnetism. Known for their fierce protectiveness towards loved ones, Scorpios are the detectives of the zodiac; nothing escapes their keen observation, and they will tirelessly seek the truth at the core of any situation.
Shrewd and passionate, Scorpios are driven to succeed and conquer challenges. Gifted with strong intuition, Scorpios possess a unique healing power surpassing any other zodiac sign. However, they can also exhibit intense jealousy, possessiveness, vindictiveness, obsession, compulsion, overbearing tendencies, and a controlling nature. At times, they can even manifest the darkest forms of tyranny. Scorpios often grapple with profound inner conflicts between light and darkness, and they are particularly challenged to balance their primal instincts with their rational intellect.
Guided by Pluto, their modern ruler (the Lord of the Underworld), Scorpios are drawn to uncover the truth in the shadowy depths of the unconscious. Scorpio symbolizes humanity's exploration of the deepest, darkest corners to discover our true selves. Superficiality is never enough; the Scorpio's innate drive is to pursue truth. The Scorpio within you represents your ability to transform darkness into light. This energy compels you to delve deep within yourself to uncover your inner brightness. Your intensity in exposing hidden truths to effect transformation embodies your Scorpio essence. The Scorpio within you is constantly in a cycle of dying to the old self and being reborn anew. Renowned for their passion and depth, Scorpio's energy is intricate, with layers that remain hidden from casual observers. Scorpio's energy evolves through three stages with two planetary rulers, Mars (the planet of war, energy, and action) and Pluto (the planet of regeneration and healing).
The reptilian survival instincts represent the first stage.
The second stage embodies the eagle, soaring above events to gain a broader perspective.
The third stage is the phoenix, a mythical creature that rises from the ashes of its demise and is reborn as a new entity.
These stages signify the soul's journey through adversity, learning invaluable lessons of transcendence. Everyone possesses Scorpio energy within their natal charts and personal lives, presenting an opportunity to achieve greatness for oneself and humanity. You hold the potential to nurture the future generations. What will you choose to bring forth at this moment? As Pluto, Scorpio's modern ruler, prepares for its final direct station and transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius on January 21, 2024, the exposure to the darker aspects of governments and corporations worldwide reaches its peak until 2044. To minimize the influence of these dark elements on governance systems at all levels—whether at home, city, state, national, or international, including small businesses and corporations—it is vital to acknowledge and integrate them. Your journey of embracing your shadow can significantly contribute to our collective evolutionary progress. What choice will you make?
Scorpio's dual planetary rulership governs the zodiac's 1st and 8th houses. The 1st house reflects your persona and how you present yourself to the world, while the 8th pertains to how others value you. This value can arise from inheritances, insurance settlements, credit or bank loans, or a partner's financial resources. Additionally, the 8th house encompasses themes of death and taxes, often leading to powerful alliances and unavoidable obligations.

Qualities Positive & Negative
The Moon's position in Scorpio indicates you resonate with certain personality traits and qualities. Below are the typical attributes associated with the Moon in Scorpio, showcasing the positive traits and their more negative or dysfunctional aspects. These qualities are organized into four categories, reflecting the primary functions symbolized by the Moon: emotions, habits and behaviors, family/mother, and your connection to your past and the collective.
Emotions: Profoundly experienced feelings, emotional resilience, charm, and self-regulation - Intense emotions, often overwhelmed by strong feelings, inclined to misuse emotional influence for personal gain.
Habits and Behavior: Singular focus and determination, capability to concentrate and unleash significant energy, ability to access hidden resources, thoughtfully considered motivations, at ease with power and sexuality - Ruthless actions, dominating presence, compulsive or obsessive tendencies, intrigue with the occult or death, fixation on power and sexuality.
Family/Mother: Strong emotional connections to family are a source of strength and resources. In a matriarchal family dynamic, the mother may show compulsive or obsessive behaviors and have controlling and dominant parenting styles.
Relationship to the Past/Collective: Deep intuitive link to the collective consciousness and cultural history, able to infuse cultural symbols with emotional meaning - Preoccupation with the darker aspects of consciousness and cultural experiences, glorification of power and strength, and susceptibility to influence from occult forces.
12th House New Moon

The twelfth house is commonly known as your Secrets Zone. This month brings attention to confidentiality issues, investigations, and potential policy matters. You might interact with hospitals, institutions, and individuals with disabilities. Be ready to face feelings of isolation, personal limitations, and different challenges. It’s wise to concentrate on your regular duties and seek to understand the reasons behind past mistakes.
The Moon's position in the Twelfth House suggests a shift from personal emotional involvement to a broader experience of empathy and compassion. You are encouraged to transcend your concerns and prioritize the well-being of others. This inherently highlights the nurturing aspects associated with the Moon. Maintaining a balance between your health and the welfare of those around you is essential, as you tend to focus on others while neglecting your own needs excessively. Sometimes, you might adopt a "mock martyr" mentality, using your selfless actions to evoke guilt in those you care for. Phrases like, "I've done so much for you, and this is how I'm repaid," are common among those with Moon in the Twelfth House. However, when you find balance, one of your greatest strengths can be your ability to care for, support, and nurture others.
Because you might be subconsciously attuned to higher, transcendent forces, you may exhibit heightened sensitivity and intuition. Often, you instinctively grasp what others are feeling and how to respond to those emotions, even when they don’t express them openly. Typically, you actively explore your subconscious or embark on a spiritual journey. Your pursuit of spirituality likely carries a robust personal significance and may stem from an emotional perspective. Personal struggles could also play a crucial role in this quest. You might come across as emotionally reserved. This could be due to several factors, such as being intensely focused on your inner emotional growth or subconscious exploration. You might feel insecure about expressing your feelings or experience emotional shyness. You may be concealing painful emotions from both yourself and others.
There may be underlying fears that are obscuring your emotions. If that's the case, your feelings might arise unexpectedly, or you may find your emotional self puzzling. Deep rooted karma could be influencing your emotional state. This period is all about your innermost self, setting expectations, and taking a few weeks to withdraw from the outside world. Remember: It's perfectly fine to take time for meditation and reflection. It has been a year since the life-giving Sun was in your sign, and you may now feel drained of energy. Use this month to reflect on the past year and consider what you desire for the upcoming year when the Sun re-enters your rising sign and returns to your 1st House next month.
Repeat one or all three affirmations each day during this New Moon and throughout the next four weeks:
"It's okay to say no."
"Inner peace is my focus."
"I now release my fears."
Take A Look At Your Chart

Insights on How the Scorpio New Moon May Impact You Personally. Each experiences the influence of the Scorpio New Moon in various areas of their astrological chart. Here are some key aspects where you may notice its effects:
Identify the house in your natal chart where the sign of Scorpio resides. This will indicate the life area most impacted now, highlighting themes of endings and new beginnings.
Mars serves as the traditional ruler of Scorpio, while Pluto, the modern ruler, is currently in opposition at 29° 45' in Cancer and Capricorn.
Determine the houses where Mars (currently moving through Cancer, on the cusp of Leo) and Pluto (presently in Capricorn, on the cusp of Aquarius) are located in your natal chart. This will reveal potential 'explosive' opportunities for fresh starts aligned with the themes of these transiting houses.
Examine which celestial bodies are in your 1st house (which is governed by Mars) and the 8th house (which is ruled by Pluto). Check for any harmonious or challenging aspects of these houses from other planets in your chart or by transit. Supportive aspects enhance your sense of harmony, balance, and justice, while harsh aspects may intensify existing struggles.
Investigate the houses where your natal Mars and Pluto are positioned. You may feel more supported during this time if you have beneficial contacts involving these celestial bodies in your chart. Take advantage of the positive energies represented by harmonious aspects for added strength.
Observe whether celestial bodies in your natal chart receive favorable influences from transiting planets. Take note of stressful connections to planets, points, or luminaries (Sun and Moon) in your natal chart. Challenging aspects provide opportunities for growth and transformation, so remember to allow yourself to be guided toward the best course of action.
The moon transits swiftly through each sign and house, meaning that while its influence may leave a lasting mark on your psyche, it will also transform your emotions. You might experience heightened intensity and emotionality during the Scorpio New Moon. It is advisable to allow your feelings to settle before taking action. Wait until you feel calm and centered rather than triggered or emotionally reactive. This is an excellent opportunity to take control of your internal narrative. It marks a period of deep healing and regeneration, with significant changes and new beginnings on the horizon.
Organs influenced by Scorpio Moon Sign: Organs: Genitals, rectum, anus, urethra, genital glands, ovaries, prostate, pubic bone, genes.
These organs have become more sensitive, so additional care is essential.
Surgical operations:
No - Surgical operations are not recommended during the New Moon.
Scorpio Moon Aspects

10° 3' Libra New Moon Wednesday, October 2, 6:49 pm ET
10° 02' Annular Solar Eclipse October 2, 6:46 pm ET
Moon (Libra) Conjunct Sun Conjunct Mercury
Square Mars (Cancer)
Moon (Libra) Trine Jupiter Rx (Gemini)
Venus (Scorpio) Trine Saturn R (Pisces)
Jupiter (Gemini) Stationary Retrograde (exact October 9, 2023)
This lunar phase highlights your use of power and the necessity for profound emotional change. You might experience heightened sensitivity, intuition, and a yearning for passionate connections that could lead to power struggles. By delving into these emotions, you can uncover your underlying motivations and release compulsive behaviors. Saturn helps stabilize this intense energy, promoting a responsible and realistic mindset that enables you to learn from your experiences, fostering growth in wisdom and strength.
Mercury intensifies focus by enhancing the ability to see through deception and uncover the truth. You may find your thoughts and emotions becoming more profound. The Grand Trine with Mars and Neptune facilitates smooth communication, allowing you to express your thoughts with sensitivity and compassion. This period also boosts your imagination and creativity, making it an excellent time for artistic endeavors and spiritual practices.
The Kite aspect opposing Uranus ignites your mental agility and may introduce unexpected ideas and distressing news. While your thoughts might become erratic and unpredictable, you could also experience intuitive insights that broaden your perspective and unveil revolutionary concepts. The Pluto Kite enables you to direct this energy and inspiration towards personal transformation or making necessary changes. Additionally, Chiron forms a sextile, while Uranus sextiles Neptune and forms a trine with Pluto, with Neptune also sextiles Pluto.
This lunar phase invites you to reflect on how you wield your power and emphasizes the necessity for profound emotional transformation. You might feel sensitive and intuitive, yearning for passionate connections with others, which could lead to power struggles. By delving into these emotions, you can uncover deeper motivations and release compulsive behavior patterns. Saturn helps to stabilize this intense energy, promoting a responsible and realistic mindset that enables you to learn from your experiences and cultivate wisdom and strength.
Scorpio New Moon Essential Oils & Crystals
Signature Essential Oil to Use:
Patchouli oil offers grounding and stability while helping to release emotions. This potent attraction oil is renowned for its rich, sensual, and earthy fragrance, which has been valued in the perfume industry for centuries. Recently, patchouli has also been acknowledged for its benefits in alternative medicine, its uses in incense, and as an insect repellent.
12th House New Moon Essential Oils
Lavender: This part of your chart is associated with fear and negative emotions. Lavender, a potent essential oil, can effectively alleviate feelings of fear, depression, anxiety, or nervousness. Addressing these emotions when the Moon influences your 12th House is especially advantageous.
Scorpio New Moon Essential Oil Blend
Make the most of your Libra New Moon energy with this blend
Add your essential oils to a 5ml (approximately 100 drops of oil) colored glass euro-dropper bottle. Cap the bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend the oils thoroughly. Allow the oils to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.

Yellow & Blue Topaz: Various colors of topaz possess distinct properties and chakra connections. Golden or imperial topaz enhances the Solar Plexus Chakra, fostering empowerment and self-confidence. Pink topaz stimulates the Heart Chakra, promoting feelings of hope and connection. Blue topaz resonates with the Throat Chakra, facilitating clear communication and a deeper connection to your inner truth. Clear topaz energizes the Crown and Soul Star chakras, allowing you to recognize our collective connection through the Divine. Yellow topaz fosters trust in the universe, allowing you to embrace being rather than doing while dispelling doubt and uncertainty. It channels energy to areas that need it most, recharging and aligning the body's meridians and illuminating your path by accessing your inner resources. Traditionally recognized as a stone of love and prosperity, it enhances affirmations, manifestation, and visualization, guiding you toward discovering your inner wealth. Topaz is ideal for cleansing the aura, promoting relaxation, and alleviating tension at all levels. It can also accelerate spiritual growth, especially when challenging. Negativity cannot thrive in the presence of joyful topaz.
Scorpio New Moon Meditation

Perform your meditation anytime from the New Moon in Leo until the First Waxing Quarter Moon in Aquarius on November 10th.
What you will need:
A white candle
Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils above or a combination.
Ensure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil.
You can also scent your space before your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you breathe fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
This New Moon is a good time for nurturing and enjoyment. Take a break, be grateful for all the joys, lessons, and big and small changes, and begin to visualize your new life.
Replace worry with gratitude; this new moon is a moment to expand your mind and make magical connections with humans and spirit guides, with the possibility of waking up to a new and different experience. Imagine what you would like your life to be like in a few years and get very detailed. Visualize where you work, where you want to live, who you spend your time with, and most importantly, really feel it.
Living your life to your truth is nurturing, empowering, giving, and receiving. Do your visualizations daily—enjoy them and make your life happen.
New Moon Wishing:

Inspiration for Scorpio New Moon Wishes:
Crisis management skills
Deep connections/soul mates
Financial partnerships
Steering clear of power struggles
Awareness of others' needs and intentions
Examples of Wishes to Enhance Personal Power:
"I want to keep secrets with ease naturally."
"I wish for a greater awareness and understanding of the true needs of my partner."
"I want to navigate workplace politics to benefit myself and my colleagues."
"I desire the right ideas to come to me regarding mutual empowerment in my relationships."
"I wish to use my power for constructive purposes effortlessly."
Letting go of old “baggage”
Sample Affirmations to Inspire Change:
“I wish for a positive transformation to take place in the area of———”
“I want to effortlessly release old ‘baggage’ from———(my childhood/all past relationships).”
“I desire to embrace change in the area of———confidently.”
Embracing risks for power
Navigating compulsions
Managing obsessions
Engaging in intense interactions
Thriving on the edge
Sample Aspirations for Alleviating Stress During Crisis:
“I wish to respond to crises with clarity and competence in my thoughts and actions.”
“I desire to release the habit of perpetually creating stress and crises in my life.”
“I want to break free from the tendency to enter into disastrous situations.”
“I hope to naturally embrace constructive risks that foster a newfound sense of empowerment.”
Comment below for other New Moon spells, wishes, and intentions.
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— Moonology: Working with the Magic of Lunar Cycles by Yasmin Boland
— Moon Magic: A Handbook of Lunar Cycles, Lore, and Mystical Energies (Mystical Handbook) by Aurora Kane
— Moon Power: Empowerment through cyclical living (A Conscious Guide) by Merilyn Keskulabh
— The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide: Over 250 Recipes for Natural Wholesome Aromatherapy by KG Stiles
— Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs by Gargatholil
— New Moon Astrology: The Secret of Astrological Timing to Make All Your Dreams Come True by Jan Spiller