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March Monthly Forecast

The planets' central positions this month are:

Pluto 29° Capricorn – 0° Aquarius,

Neptune 24–25° Pisces,

Uranus 15–16° Taurus,

Saturn 29° Aquarius – 2° Pisces,

and Jupiter 11–18° Aries.

Another month and the planets are still direct; there will be some significant changes ahead as Saturn will enter Pisces, and Pluto will enter Aquarius. The sun will begin this month in Pisces, Mercury will be an Aquarius, Venus will be at its detriment in Aries, and Mars in Gemini. Mercury traverses through its detriment in Pisces and enters Aries a day before the sun joins at the equinox. Venus exits her detriment in Aries and will enter her sign of Taurus; by the end of this month, Mars will leave its retrograde shadow and enter into its fall sign in cancer.

March 7, the Full Moon will be in Virgo, and the sun will be in Pisces, opposing the Moon and Virgo forming a T-square with Mars in Gemini; the Sun will sextile Uranus as the Moon trines it. The Sun will be conjunct with Mercury and Neptune as the Moon opposes them; Mercury will also sextile the north node. Venus will conjunct Jupiter and Chiron, and sextile Mars, while Mars square Neptune and Pluto square the nodes.

This will create an imbalance in which you can use Venus to tune in to your optimistic, buoyant, expansive nature. You can utilize this energy to find healing through beauty and the arts, but while in Aries, Venus may seek more adventure, excitement, and fun. This is when you will be prone to self-indulgence and overdoing the enjoyment of pleasure. After the full Moon, Saturn will enter Pisces with the same configuration: a Sun, Mercury, and Neptune stellium.

Saturn will make ingress to the north node and trine to the south node. Saturn in Pisces can create a dark mood that could feel a sense of loss or disillusionment, collectively or personally. Saturn encourages you to take the air governed by Pisces seriously, and you need to ground your approach to your imagination, spirituality, and creativity in practical reality.

Your response to this will be dependent on your chart, which may be an excellent time to make devote yourself to your spiritual study, meditation, or work on your creative ideas to give them form through music, film, photography, etc.; this will be a good time for to you work and test your dream to see if they can be made real.

Jupiter and Chiron will be exact Aries on March 12th, the Sun, Mercury, and Neptune stellium will be in closer conjunction in Pisces, and all will trine the moon square Mars, while the moon opposes Uranus which will sextile the Sun in Mercury. Venus will sextile Mars and Square Pluto, as Pluto squares the nodes. Jupiter and Chiron configurations do not aspect to any other planets. This is a start of a new cycle of healing and optimism; this could help you to understand your old wounds, and you will need to let go of painful past experiences.

You can use this opportunity to expand your perspective on all hurts and wounds and learn more about healing and health to change your relationship with your traumas. It would be best to look at your chart to see where you can tap into these energies. March 17, the conjunction of Sun and Mercury in Pisces becomes exact while still conjunct Nmusteptune, and all square Mars and sextile the moon conjunct Pluto. Venus will conjunct the North Node in Taurus, Square the Moon and Pluto, and sextile of Saturn in Pisces. Mars will also trine Saturn, Jupiter conjunct Chiron, and moon Pluto square the nodes.

The seeds that were planted or project that were started in January, at this time, may bear fruit and marks the start of the next retrograde cycle. The Stellium in Pisces is creative and idealistic, needing to communicate through music, art, or poetry. But it may also feel unfocused and unclear, leading to daze or escapism. The square from Mars will add some stress and could trigger passive-aggressive behavior, but the trine offsets this from Saturn to Mars, giving form to your imagination.

The Moon in Capricorn will help keep your feet on the ground, and Pluto will add some depth and passion. Venus in Taurus also keeps things realistic and embodied, and the sextile to Saturn encourages discipline and a willingness to work at creating something beautiful. But the square to the Moon-Pluto conjunction with increased frustration with dark emotions rippling up, may cause issues. You can channel these energies into creative pursuits or self-transformation with awareness. The sun enters Aries at the spring equinox on March 20, in the northern hemisphere still, conjunct Mercury and Neptune, square Mars, and sextile Pluto, although Mercury is no longer conjunct Neptune, and Mars is also trine Saturn.

The moon is conjunct Neptune and sextile Uranus, while Venus conjuncts the north node, sextile Saturn, and square Pluto. Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Pluto square the nodes. As the energy shifts from Pisces into Aries, there will be an increase in the need to be yourself and act on your desires and goals. You may need to look for movement and self-expression, but it could also be impulsive. Neptune, my slight shift in this arrangement by blurring the edges of your sense of self and increased confusion about what you want.

The moon reinforces this; there will be a feeling of drifting about in your dreams and being sensitive and ill-tempered. Mercury will help you to think now and probably has a lot to do or say and will be exuberantly egged on by Mars. The Sun and Mercury want you to act, and Mars agrees just be aware of the possibility of rushing off after the wrong things or picking fights and frustration just to be subversive. The Saturn trine will offer discipline, and you can achieve a lot if you work at it.

The new moon in Aries has more or less the same arrangement, except the Moon has changed signs and is no longer sextile Uranus. This will reinforce and emphasize an interest in self-expression and their desire to work and achieve something. But you may also feel restlessness, irritability, impulsivity, and the desire to be first. This new Moon has excellent potential as a new beginning, but taking a few deep breaths is probably a good idea before jumping into anything.

Make sure to tap into the discipline and self-control of Saturn to think through your plans before committing to a course of action. The moment we've all been waiting for is the 23 March; finally, Pluto will enter into Aquarius, square the nodes and the Moon, and sextile the Sun, which will still be conjunct to Mercury and Neptune. Sun and Neptune are also square Mars which is also sextile to the Moon and trine Saturn.

The Moon will also conjunct the North Node and Jupiter, as Mercury and Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Venus conjunct the north Node as Saturn sextiles it. This will be the start of 20 years of a social scientific and technological revolution that will transfer how you relate to society in your ideas about humanity, how you this experience transit will depend on the house occupied by Aquarius in your chart.

Look at the aspects made by Pluto to your natal placements, and their current alignment if they touch your chart. Pluto will sextile the Sun and square the Moon, both in Aries, intensifying your desire to be yourself, and they need to take bold and fearless actions. The Sun will bring your attention to the need for self-transformation through an encounter with a dark or hidden sign of your psyche so you can tap into your power. The impulsiveness of the Moon we are pushed into anger by confrontation with the shadow, forcing you to face feelings that you have repressed.

Jupiters' conjunction with the moon provides the possibility of a larger perspective view of whatever Pluto brings up. You may find greater faith and optimism by being true to yourself, but this could also tip into arrogance, take caution. Neptune's conjunction with the Sun can confuse or mislead you; therefore, think before you act. With Pluto now in Aquarius, you can reinvent yourself by overcoming fixed ideas and restrictive structures within yourself and society. You can deepen your understanding of your nature and as a human being and transform your relationship with society and make a contribution that benefits others to the house occupied by an Aquarius in your chart.

Individual Horoscope



Your month starts with Venus and Jupiter blessing you, and you feel like things are moving forward. On March 7, your vibes will change as mercury transits your house of letting go and hidden enemies. You'll feel a bit on guard for the next few weeks. Things will slow down, and you'll feel or appear more confused than usual. Be mindful of deception and illusions; in addition, Venus conjunct Chiron can spell problems in relationships, causing breakups and all insecurities and wounds to resurface.

On March 7, Saturn will enter the eighth House of juice hospitals accident in past lives; this might sound terrible, but it's not necessarily so. This transit will help you to get rid of things you don't need, and whenever Saturn moves houses, he can shake things up, but it would be an excellent time to try a new approach in all aspects of your life, from love, to work, to health, diet and even where you live. Currently, 40% of your planetary forces are in the eighth house of a past life and mythicism.

This transit has not happened in years and will continue until March 19, when Mercury was moved into your sign, and out of the house of letting go in for the next few weeks, you might feel like you were experiencing a constant past life regression. Early childhood memories and previous lives are recovered into your life as well as skills and abilities you developed in your past life. It'll be an excellent time to take some time and spend on your own, and don't overbook yourself. Venus, the planet of money moving to your house of money and talents and can help on that front for the next few weeks, which will begin on March 17. Creativity and money are flowing; your self-worth can also increase. This will benefit from paying extra attention to your five senses and your sixth considering everything happening in your house of intuition now.

On March 19th, there will be a shift in energy just before the equinox and the Sun's transit into your sign. You, Arians, will have your birthdays for the next 30 days; instead of having one Sun, you'll have two, which might overheat you. It will be a good idea to spend your time with the ones you love on your birthday and on March 21 to the 22nd, the new moon in your sign, and a great time to start something new. The Sun, Mercury, Moon, Chiron, Jupiter, and Vesta will all be in Aries, and you will be better to center yourself since all the planets are fighting over you. On March 25th, it might be a downer for you since your planet Mars will be transiting into another sign of its fall, cancer.

This will be a good time to do physical exercise in water, but be careful as you might be passive-aggressive as Mars swims in cancer for the next month and a half; you can focus on home improvements but be alert of arguments with family members, especially on March 27 to the 29th. The 27th to 20th of March is a good time for writing, publishing, and marketing, but be extra attentive with Venus tops Uranus in the last three days of the month since she can cause changes in finance on unexpected issues with partners in work and life. This conjunction can also bring you crazy, unique, and ingenious people in your life; not all are destined to be in your first circle.


March 2nd will be your best day for family harmony, a lunar aspect that favors warmth, rapport, and straightforward communication. On the third, the loving feeling will dissipate with disparaging remarks heightening sensitive feelings and triggering hostile exchanges. Your distant relative will announce plans to visit or extend an invitation to you. On the 19th, pay extra attention when your friends claim center stage at an engaging brunch.


On the 9th, networking generates productive feedback, which is a compatible date for travel related to partnership ventures. On the 22nd, an unexpected waterfall will put you in a generous mood, and you're inspired to spend extra cash on the items on your family's wishlist.

Potential Issues

March 7th, might create some challenging issues in your work environment when style differences bring discussions to a deadlock. Neptune triggers confusion over details that no one bothered to verify, and solutions look briefly optimistic until the new stream of objections overwhelms the team's actions which will change on the 15th.

Rewarding days


Challenging days















— 2023 HOROSCOPE Magical Days: Your astrological forecast and all the secret about you …. by Artemisia - Mirzia

— Llewellyn's 2023 Sun Sign Book: Horoscopes for Everyone by Llewellyn

— Horoscope 2023 by Alina A. Rubi, Angeline A. Rubi

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