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Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

Sagittarius, with all that you've learned in the past years, you have gained some wisdom, and your experiences have made you a different person. This year will start with Mercury in Capricorn retrograde until January 18th, which might put some stumbling blocks in your finances. You might have trouble concentrating and become easily distracted, leading you to say the wrong things in response to others. Pluto will be in Capricorn until March 23rd, when he makes his transition to Aquarius, and will be there for several months, transforming your behavior patterns regarding money.

Uranus will be in Taurus and goes direct on January 22nd, clearing the way for you to research new business opportunities; you should utilize this time to take care of your health and make your work more efficient. Remember that Uranus here wants you to take responsibility for how you spend money. Jupiter, the planet of luck, also your ruling planet, will be an Aries in your area of speculation and romance; this will encourage you to be riskier in gambling and give more attention to your children if you have any.

Saturn will transit through Aquarius, which will end its two years contracts in your area of communication, interaction with family members, and digital systems; Saturn then transitions to Pisces to your area family. This will help you organize your home and ensure that everyone in it understands each other and gets along. Keep an eye out for crises with your boss and authority, for your rebellious spirit does not respect the rules and, from your point of view, restricts your creativity and the way of expressing yourself.

Mercury will be retrograde in your sign, which will bring problems and conflict that will make you feel exhausted, or you will be undecided about what decisions to make. Mars will transit your sign of November 24th for the rest of 2023, ending dark impulses that have made you fall behind in the past and will relate primarily to your business and personal relationships. Mars gives strength, enthusiasm, and energy when it transits your sign and offers impulses to pursue your goals and take action to correct any mistakes. If you have any plans, keep them secret, as disclosing them might bring sabotage.


Jupiter will occupy Aries and go direct on January 18th in your solar fifth house of children, amusement, entrepreneurial ventures, recreation, risk-taking, romance, sports, and vacations. Jupiter will affect every degree of Sagittarius through May 16 and will move into Taurus in your solar six houses of the environment where you use your blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish assignments, improve your health, prepare nutritious meals, collaborate with workmates, care for animal companions, and organize your workspace and plans.

As Jupiter moves through Taurus and goes retrograde on September 4th and turns direct on December 30th, if you're born between November 22nd to December 9th, you see the most action with Jupiter in Taurus.


Saturn will continue its transit through Aquarius in your third house of advertising, communication, contracting, education, electronics, mental outlook, community and neighborhood activity, transportation, machinery, and relationships with cousins, siblings, and neighbors. Saturn being here, will insist that you are disciplined to bring your commitments and responsibilities to the services you say you are providing.

If you're born between December 14th and 21st, you see the most action with the Saturn cycle in Aquarius. You might get recognized for your handy application by authority members. Saturn will move into Pisces on March 7th in your fourth house of domestic matters, home, family, parents, home-improvement projects, and the daily life of residents in your home.

You must be prepared to adjust your routine and lay down new expectations for household members while Saturn is in this house and will be pushy to adapt to health conditions or changing outlooks for family members. You might think about starting a home-based business that might fulfill a part of your dreams. If you're into writing, you might take up a freelance assignment but will only be successful if you apply self-discipline to meet timelines during the remaining nine months of 2023, primarily affecting those born between November 22nd and December 1st.

There will be changes to create a new product, assess your strength and skills, and take mental health breaks and vacations before launching a new enterprise.


Uranus in Taurus will be your sixth house of daily routines, fitness, health, healing, nutrition, organizational style, animal companion of coworkers, and approach to work since 2018. Delayed matters concerning the sixth house will soon come to pass. But you will have one more eclipse, Taurus, on October 28th, which will play out through the spring of 2024; this could open your eyes to new possibilities and stimulate your spirit.

If you're born between December 7th and 17th, the planet of disruption has a significant impact on your luminous mind and will complicate your routines. The year will start with Uranus in retrograde motion going direct on January 22nd and shaking up the energy in your work and health-oriented solar six houses. Of course, you will experience a few unexpected eccentricities or bewildering challenges that will influence your decision to scope out new work opportunities

On October August 28th, your Uranus moves into Taurus and goes direct on January 27, 2024; stay calm as the predictable Uranus will shake up your work world by showing your light side to authorities, and employees will appreciate your unrelenting magnetism.


Neptune will be in Pisces in your fourth house of domestic matters, home, family parents, home improvement projects, and the daily life of those who live with you. Neptune has been there since April 2011; therefore, it might be a good time to reflect on your experiences. You might realize that you've spent a lot of time daydreaming.

And having Neptune here is letting you know that you need to be a good listener and show compassion; this is essential for healing family ties and stimulating teamwork in accomplishing mutual goals. Saturn will also show up in Pisces in your fourth house in March to help you validate your feelings and reframe how you take responsibility.

It would be helpful to trust your instinct so Saturn and Pisces to find a meaningful strategy for bringing important focus to family interests. Utilize your humor to keep others from sinking into an abyss of sadness when they hear about the death or illness of contacts. Work with loved ones when learning of new anxieties and sharing information on emerging treatments and procedures that can be helpful.

Make sure to keep an eye on those who are drinkers and those who take medication to ensure the dosage is adequate. Neptune will help you get ahead by putting you in touch with the dreams for your family as you use your quick mind to restore unity in your home. Use the psychic gifts that give you a nudge until you get a more substantial feeling; this is an excellent time to discover your true purpose with your family. Sagittarians born between December 14th and 21st will see the most activity from Neptune this year; use your abundant healing energy wisely.


Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 in your second house of assets, income, the money you earn and how you spend it, what you value, and self-development interests. Pluto will come to a close and go and direct you to address all issues you've held on in this crucial house, making sure you are clear about your intentions and have let go of yours regarding earning power and personal advancement. It is time for you to release and examine any baggage that still affects your financial security needs, and Pluto will dispose of your anxiety.

There might be some power struggles related to your financial relationships. Release painful issues and welcome the regeneration of your attitude towards money. Pluto visits the final degrees of Capricorn in this long translation which will finally wrap up in November 2024. Pluto affects you mildly this year if you were Sagittarian born between December 18th and 21st, most affected by this transit.

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd, turns retrograde on May 1st, in the first degree of Aquarius, and returns to Capricorn on June 11th to complete the remaining months of his transit, which will officially end in November 2024.

Sagittarians born between November 22nd and 24th will feel the impact of Pluto in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th. It would be wise to think about communication priorities, your mental outlook, neighborhood conditions, local travel, and transportation during this period.


The first solar eclipse will happen on April 20th in Aries; in your fifth House of children, amusement, romance, board speculations, and vacations, there will be pressure from any pending relationship matters to come up and take time to examine what you can do to solve these problems. It's an excellent time to strengthen your bonds and work on mutual goals to solve problems. If there is no workable solution, call a truce

On May fifth, the first lunar eclipse will take place in Scorpio in your twelfth house of recovery, healing, hospital visiting, metaphysics, enemies, and psychic insight into secrets and charities. Working in seclusion may help prepare you for writing goals. It'll be an excellent time to dig to uncover good material that solves mysteries, features human interest stories, or perhaps shows how others worked through the pandemic, kept their jobs, and improved their health in the world-changing phenomenon.

On October 14th, the second solar eclipse of the year takes place in libra in your eleventh house of association, friends, goals, groups, and humanitarian interest. Suppose you have any planets in the eleventh house in your chart. In that case, the pressure will be on for you to keep your goals on track, monitor funds, take on initiatives that reflect your philosophy in balancing your work with festivities, and complement these themes.

The year ends with a lunar eclipse on October 20th, in Taurus in your six house of daily routines, fitness, health, nutrition, and teamwork; the intensity of this eclipse could bring a heavy workload your way with authority figures assigning you to take a task that maximizes your talent and communication, problem-solving and collaborating with teammates. It'll be good to take a day off to schedule medical and dental check-ups. As you will be tiring all the interference with your plans because of Uranus and Taurus in this house, you can be very proud of what you accomplish in these trying times. Maintain a positive mindset as you honor success.

Your Lucky Charms

Lucky Flowers: Carnation-Peach Flower- Peony-Holly

Lucky Colors: Blue in all its shades- Red- Purple

Lucky Birthstone: Lapis Lazuli- Carnelian-Turquoise

Lucky Metal: Tin

Lucky Numbers: 3-9-24-23

Lucky Day: Thursday

Your Essential Oil

Black pepper is your essential oil and reminds us of the Sagittarian single-mindedness and love of the truth. This oil gets straight to the point, like your archer's arrow, which helps with stiff, painful muscles or a tired mind. This oil is excellent if you're an athletic Sagittarian and is used in massage blends before and after training or performance to warm and tone the muscles. Black pepper combats fatigue and jet lag and helps you continue your journey with energy.

2023 Lucky Color

Carmelite or brown is your lucky color this year, Sagittarius, and is an Earth, grounding color. It is used to direct conduit to nature, animal wisdom, and universal wisdom, which carries healthy boundaries and reaches a balanced perspective. Use it to gain a feeling of belonging, remind you of your roots, set your purpose, and focus on your goals.

Bronze attracts strength, knowledge, and love, and use it to get publicity, gain wealth, and attract the right business people. Use it for successful negotiations and training people to trust their instincts. Bronze is used to break destructive sentimental patterns, free yourself from fears and anxieties, and eliminate toxic thoughts from your body.

Chocolate, a mixture of brown and black, binds us to the Earth, provides healthy boundaries, and encourages structure. Use brown for stability, confidence, and improved concentration. The color of perseverance and content energy. The quart associated with brown qualities is tigers eye, and brown is widely used in color helping and effective for emotional and mental illnesses.

2023 Lucky Quartz

Cornelian is an Excellent quartz for people who have trouble concentrating, are mentally alienated, or have a complicated life. Use to grant courage and protection, and indicated melancholic people. Used as a talisman in homes and businesses, a defense against the evil eye and envy.

Connected to authority and passion, recommended for professional success, and gives mental clarity. If you struggle with public speaking, use carnelian, which helps you face obstacles. If you have nervous problems, need help with sleep, being calm, and favor mental and physical rest.


This year will be intense and full of surprises. If you already have a partner, the first few months will be harmonious and without any new news, but this might change in the middle of the year when a person from your past return to your life and makes you question if the current relationship is the one that suits you.

If you are single, you will have many desires to have one, but until you close issues on your subconscious level, you will only damage your relationships. Mars will retrograde in your area of relationships, bringing out any situation from the past, or secrets will be revealed that made you decide to leave it because you cannot live with it in your mind and heart.

Jupiter will be in the area of love until May, and if you're single, there are many potentials in your path, and if you have a partner, you will escape to a paradoxical place to enjoy the moments in grand passion. On April 20th, there will be a solar eclipse that will be intense, and this will be good energy for new projects or businesses that you've had in mind for a while, and this could generate your profits.


2023 will be an excellent year for you. As you go from scarcity to prosperity, your project and ideas will come true, and you will have new businesses that will give you great resources, income, and material benefits. Check any contracts you sign

if you seek partners, and your partnerships will prosper.

July will bring happiness, and you will feel fulfilled with everything you've achieved in the past few months. You can purchase the house you deserve, take trips with your family, and grow creatively. This will be a period of recognition, professional advancement, and accelerated growth in your social status. You might be able to travel for business, and this will also be a pleasurable experience for you and enrich your mind. Remember to keep her mind that business must be beneficial for all parties involved.


Spirituality will be very beneficial in your life, and if you do not work to bring this to consciousness, there will be consequences if you continue old patterns of behavior. You have a lot of support from your friends and meet new people who will support you. Family is crucial to your revolutionary process.

Tolerance is essential, and sharing responsibilities should be something everyone in your home understands. Your intuition will be strong, and you should be guided by it and make any critical decision. Saturn will be in your family area since the beginning of March, and you want to be more practical, not evading responsibilities, and structure solid foundations for your home.


Your health will be excellent throughout the year; however some variations in the months when you will work a lot; in those times when you're working a lot make sure you meditate and exercise. And channel your energy correctly. This year will be an excellent year for you to get away from all the alcoholic excess and harmful habits; plan to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, and eating correctly is essential for you to be healthy.


Life is constantly moving and transforming, and this would be advantageous to you as you know the universe always conspired to contribute to your evolution. Trust the people close to you, as they will look over you and ensure that you don't make mistakes or let you know when you do. Do not entrust everything that belongs to you to others, and do not blame others for things that happened to you; understand that you are the leading actor in your life, and therefore, you're responsible for everything that happens to you.

Take your actions' consequences with courage, avoid chaotic situations, and think twice before doing them. Remember, there is a law of cause and effect, and you must learn to accept this because that is a key to your mental and emotional well-being. Things will not always be as you want them, but you do not have to condemn yourself. Failure is a perfect opportunity to gain experience as a person; in the end, that is your goal on this planet. Learn to listen, as you are self-centered, and listen only to what you say; for that reason, you might miss the best opportunities.

Have a great 2023!



— 2023 HOROSCOPE Magical Days: Your astrological forecast and all the secret about you …. by Artemisia - Mirzia

— Llewellyn's 2023 Sun Sign Book: Horoscopes for Everyone by Llewellyn

— Horoscope 2023 by Alina A. Rubi, Angeline A. Rubi

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