Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the goddess of love, and is a feminine earth sign; her symbol is the bull, the sign of wall street. Material comforts and possessions are essential to a Taurean, associated with earthly pleasures, luxury, comfort, abundance, fertile and creative life. They are dependable and reliable and make great team players but are a fixed earth sign; they can be conservative, stubborn, and resist change.
Their preference is a fixed, relaxed, predictable lifestyle, and they can be prone to laziness and be narrow-minded sometimes. Venus's immaturity can be jealous and possessive, and feels threatened when something or someone she loves is supplanted or replaced by something new or foreign to her. When Taureans feel threatened, they can become ferocious; therefore, it is not a good idea to provoke them. Their pace is slow and steady, but they can become aggressive once provoked. Their natural placement in the zodiac is the second house of personal material resources; therefore, what you value may undergo shifts and a fresh new start under this new moon. Gratitude and new values are most likely to increase during this period of time.
Qualities Positive & Negative
You need emotional security in your possession and/or your physical environment; the need is stability and self-endurance. Having and/or feeling secure with material and physical bring you a sense of stability and emotional security. Your behavior and personality are associated with the need to hold on and retain, which derives Freon your need for material security. This will allow you the desire to work hard for what you want and may gain, which is emotionally essential satisfaction for a “job well done.” The Moons' functions will enable you opportunities that assist and enable you to acquire material comfort and possessions.
The fixed earth of Taurus holds the Moon's waters firmly, channeling it, but the lack of flexibility in Taurus can obstruct the flow of things associated with the Moon. However, Taurus's feminine, organic energy blends well with the Moon's nurturing attributes, which loosens Taurus' rigidity towards the functions symbolized by the moon.
Steady, warm, giving, and deeply sensitive to the needs of others but can be emotionally attached, emotionally outbursts, using emotions to overcome others, and hot-headed.
Habits and behaviors
Slow and steady, methodical, organically process things, and comfortable with the tangible but can be stuck in a rut, unwilling to try new things, bullying.
Family/ mother
Inclined to be devoted to family life and loving children/ parents, the family brings strong emotional security, nurtured and nurturing. Attached to family, the mother sees family as possessions, a domineering mother or father who crushes on self-reliance, identity, and matriarchal and Patriarchal parent styles.
Respect abs desire to conserve past and cultural heritage, especially organic structures; you view past /culture as nurturing and valuable. You are bound by tradition and close-minded to change and rotted to how things were done in the past.
Moon in Taurus symbolizes a state of oneness with the organic nature of the world, and there’s a strong pull to seek oneness with nature, especially on an emotional level; in nature, you can find emotional stability and tranquility for which you long. For this bond, you can nurture all things that endure and grow, which includes your own inner nature. By calmly and steadily giving way to your intuitive subconscious, you strengthen your inner self, which becomes enduring. As you strengthen, the secrets of nature are revealed to you, and you can share a little joke with the world.
Make a financial plan and look at your financial situation, cash, property, and possessions are the focus at this time of the year. It’s a good time to think about where you’d like to be by the end of the year and ask questions like can I increase the amount of money I set aside as savings each week?
Loving yourself is a big issue for most of us, and at this time, it’s good to look at how you view your self-worth and think about things like what you value in yourself and what you value at large. If you don’t value yourself, then it’s unlike that others will value you as well. Take some time and list what you value most, and are you living a life that aids you to focus on these things? If so, how can you make improvements?
10th House New Moon

The career zone and this New Moon are about your career, reputation, and chance to get a head professionally. This is the time to wish to help others professionally through work. Imagine yourself giving a talk and being professional in whatever you do. Wanting to leave your mark on the world or to be known for having done something is an idea you can keep in your mind; keep in mind what are your ambitious to be a great parent or a great friend; you want to do something more visible it's OK to aim high. If you have a career-minded focus new moon will be great for you and your professional life; it is also a good time to start a business and a time when your pacifiers at the office will be rewarded and you will have an increased transfer promotional if you put in the hard work. This is a good time to think about the future and what you want for yourself. Is this the way you're headed in with your ambition and goals, and if not, what can you do to change, or what can you do about it? Restart the following before you meditate on hardware breeze long-term success; for me, a good ritual for this month is it write down your ideal job description and read it through daily.
Some of the things you can do:
speak to your boss about how you're doing
help a colleague out of the rut
check that you've done you've not become status mad
start a new business as close to the new moon as you can
apply for a new job with confidence
when you earned it, take the credit
plot your next best career move'
"I am going places."
"It's wonderful to be so successful."
"I love seeing my plans work out."

Take A Look At Your Chart
The New Moon in Taurus will affect you personally, and everyone has the influence of the Taurus moon in one or more areas of their chart. Some ideas of what to look for:
Your second house( Taurus, ruled by personal and material resources, ruled by Venus) and seventh house ( Also ruled by Venus, governs relationships, agreements, and contracts). What personal planets are located in these two houses?
Where is your Venus located?
Venus is currently in Cancer, and all cancer-related themes ( ruled by the moon and 4th house) are especially highlighted.
What planets and points are in your second and seventh house, and what house is Venus currently in your chart?
Though the Moon moves through each sign and house quickly, it can leave a lasting impact on your psyche, but your emotions will be transient. Let your emotions settle before taking any action.
Deeper Insights
Venus, the planet of human love and pleasure, rules Taurus.
All things related to the wisdom of the earth are up for renewal, and Uranus will be stationed in Taurus till 2026, which will bring about the changes needed for the new evolutionary cycle, and we are mid-way through the cycle. Much can transpire as the spring tides forces are at their peak for resealing and regeneration. This focus will be on Taurus and second house matters; your second house is being re-energized. This house relates to security, personal finances/ net worth, material possessions, creature comforts, and life pleasures. Safety and security depend on stability which is not easy to satisfy now; accept change because it’s a part of life. Finding self-respect ensures you do not seek security and stability in material things. When you accept yourself for who you are, there will be able to find peace and tranquility in the outside world.
This might be a good time to get some camping gear and hiking equipment and make it a point to spend more time in nature. Uranus transiting through Taurus means that traditional material comforts and pleasures will undergo major changes. The ego mind's battles are fiercest and fought over changes related to One’s material circumstances.
Feeling vulnerable can be a significant issue as you experience volatility in security and stability. There are a lot is opportunities for growth and positive new beginnings.
Organs influenced by Taurus Moon Sign: Organs: Neck, larynx, throat, vocal cords, thyroid gland, tonsils, Adam's apple. These organs are now more sensitive, so provide them with extra care. Surgical operations: No - Surgical operations are not recommended during the New Moon.
Moon aspects
Self-acceptance can be experienced now, leading to greater peace of mind and tranquility in your day-to-day existence.
Taurus New Moon Astrology 28 ° 25’
Taurus New Moon Friday, May 19, 8: 53am PT
Moon Sextile Neptune
Moon Sextile Mars (vc)
Sun Sextile Neptune
Jupiter Square Pluto
Rx Mercury Sextile Saturn
Mercury Stationary Direct

Moon Sextile Neptune: there are opportunities to deepen your intuitive abilities, and your emotional sensitivity will allow you to connect meaningfully with others. Your creativity can be enhanced with this aspect.
Moon Sextile Mars (vc): There are opportunities to unlock doors that seem impassable, and it is now easier for you to take the initiative to meet your security and emotional needs.
Sun Sextile Neptune: Enhanced intuition and psychic awareness make you sensitive to reading subtle energies, and creative opportunities may come your way.
Jupiter Square Pluto: Make the most of this square because it only happens once; your desire for personal freedom and to succeed in a big way is off the charts.
Rx Mercury Sextile Saturn: Helps significantly in navigating and negotiating stormy weather and how to move forward constructively.
Rx Mercury Sextile Saturn: You’ve reviewed your personal values and personal material resources, and assets reassessed. It’s a good time to implement new upgrades for greater stability abs security moving forward.
Taurus New Moon Essential Oils
Helichrysum: soothe and calm your emotions and promote wound healing.
Ninth House New Moon Essential Oils
Laurel: Aids in concentration, motivating and boosting confidence.
Aries New Moon Essential Oil Blend
Make the most of your Taurus New Moon energy with this blend
Ylang Ylang:40 drops
Bergamot: 20 drops
Red Mandarin :20 drops
Rose: 10 drops
Helichrysum:10 drops
To a 5ml (contains approximately 100 drops of oil) colored glass euro-dropper bottle, add your essential oils. Cap the bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend oils thoroughly. Allow oils to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Healing Gemstones & Crystals

Emerald: Increase your luck and sense of peace and prosperity, boost your energy and self-confidence, and free your mind and emotion from negativity, helping you overcome fear.
Sapphire: supports feelings of peace and prosperity and enhances Taurus energy of constancy
Citrine: Aid in building financial resources, encourages prosperous circumstances, and boosts confidence. Promotes positive ad optimistic attitudes.
Aries New Moon Meditation

Perform your meditation anytime from the New Moon in Aries until the First Quarter Waxing Moon in Virgo on May 27th at 11:22 pm Eastern Time.
What you will need:
A white candle
Essential oil or blend - use one of the recommended oils above or a combination.
Ensure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light your white candle and inhale the scent of your essential oil.
You can also scent your space before your meditation using an aroma diffuser.
Gaze into the candle flame as you breathe fully and deeply and exhale any tension. The candle flame reflects your Divine heart center.
Continue inhaling the scent of your oil and releasing any tension for 1-5 minutes.
This New Moon is a good time for nurture and enjoyment. Make sure to take a break and be grateful for all the joys and lessons, all the big and small changes, and begin to visualize your new life.
Replace worry with gratitude; this new moon is a moment to expand your mind and make magical connections with humans, and spirit guides, with the possibility of waking up to a new and different experience. Imagine what you would like your life to be in a few years and get very detailed. Visualize where you work, where you want to live, who you spend your time with, and most important, really FEEL it.
Living your life to your truth is nurturing, empowering, giving, and receiving. Do your visualizations daily- enjoy it and make your life happen.
New Moon Wishing:

Sample wishes to Increase Money and Possessions appropriately:
"I want to find myself creating financial independence in a happy way easily."
"I want a lot of money in a happy way."
"I want to find myself living in comfortable surroundings easily."
"I want to enjoy and appreciate my life."
"I want a lot of strength and determination to maintain my ________( a decision, a stance)."
Comment below for other new moon spells, wishes, and intentions.
As of now, we are only offering Jupiter/Abundance readings; if you are interested, click the link below.,
— Moon Magic: A Handbook of Lunar Cycles, Lore, and Mystical Energies (Mystical Handbook) by Aurora Kane
— Moon Power: Empowerment through cyclical living (A Conscious Guide) by Merilyn Keskulab