The planetary vibrations that are central this month:
Pluto 28 ° Capricorn
Neptune 27–26 ° Pisces
Uranus 22–23 ° Taurus
Saturn 5–3 ° Pisces
Jupiter 13–15 ° Taurus
Individual horoscope below👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Saturn, Chiron, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto are all retrograde at the beginning of the month, but Mercury and Uranus will join them towards the end of the month. The Sun and Venus retrograde will start the month in Leo, while Mercury and Mars are in Virgo. Throughout this month, the Sun will enter Virgo on the same day that Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, and this will be followed by Mars entering its detriment in Libra.
The Full Moon will be in Aquarius on March 1st, and the Sun will be opposite the Moon in Aquarius, forming a T square with Jupiter in Taurus. Mercury will be opposite Saturn as Venus is retrograde square Uranus and trine the North Node. Mars is also trine Jupiter the same day as the lumination, Uranus sextile Neptune and trine Pluto, Neptune sextile Pluto, and Pluto square the Nodes.

The disposition of this lunation will be sunny and friendly; there will be a great desire to be and express yourself through creativity and social activity, and you may want to be friends with everyone but could overthink your interactions with others or feel a little cool towards them. Jupiter will boost your self-confidence and optimism, and you may bring more expansive feelings and a sense of connection to humanity. As Venus retrograde, it will reinforce the need to reassess this area of your life and explore how you relate to groups without losing your sense of self.
Have a great time learning new ideas as Mercury will be exalted; in its sign, Virgo, you can dig into the details and analyze the results. Saturn will assist by adding discipline and concentration, but there can also be fearful thoughts and doubts that inhibit communication. Mercury will also be conjunct with Mars, and this aspect moves into the orb, which may help you break free of any Saturn structures holding you back. Jupiter trine Mars will boost your energy and bring positivity, which may soften criticism and doubt.

The Sun and retrograde Venus will make an inferior conjunction on August 13, which becomes exact in Leo while square Jupiter and Uranus and trine Chiron, the North Node. The Moon will sextile mercury and conjunct Mars while sextile Jupiter, Uranus, and square Chiron. Mercury and Mars are also trine Jupiter and Uranus, as Mars is opposite Neptune. The conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus is over an 8° orb by 11 minutes, while Uranus Sextile Neptune and trine Pluto and Pluto square the nodes.
This will officiate the start of the Venus retrograde cycle and the time to explore how you feel about your relationships, creative projects, values, finances, and issues of self-worth based on what you've experienced since Venus stationed retrograde. This is a time to gather inspiration, plant seeds, and make intentions with changes you wish to make once Venus stations direct in September. There will be an emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and a desire to have fun and indulge in your passions. Jupiter and Uranus will reinforce this and boost self-belief, optimism, and the need for freedom from restraints. There could be a tendency to over-dramatize and make everything about yourself as your judgment could be clouded. Chiron will introduce the possibility of healing and improving your worth through self-acceptance.

Mars and Mercury will now be conjunct in Virgo, making it easy to notice and criticize problems, and you won't hesitate to make your point, but do not use your aggressive statements against others. There may be a feeling of nervousness, or you may feel highly strung and find it hard to relax, although the sextile out to the Moon and Cancer may soften your senses and add sensitivity to your communications. But Mars is also opposite Neptune, which may undermine your ability to act on your ideas, bringing confusion, low energy, and the potential for self-deception or being hoodwinked. You can channel this heightened imagination into creative work through the trines to Jupiter and Uranus, but these bring expansive, new ideas and sudden flashes of inspiration, which will help you to find the right words in any situation.
The new Moon in Leo on August 16 sees this lunation conjunct retrograde Venus, square Jupiter, Uranus, and trine Chiron and the North Node. Mercury is conjunct with Mars, trine Jupiter, and Uranus, and opposes Neptune, while Mars is also in a grand trine with Pluto and Uranus. Chiron is conjunct North Node, Uranus is sextile Neptune, Neptune is sextile Pluto, and Pluto square is the nodes. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is now just over 8° or about 2 minutes.

This lunation will be about creativity and being true to yourself with a strong desire for receiving love and admiration. This will be almost the same configuration as the inferior conjunction of Sun and Venus, but now the Moon is in Leo, and Mercury is also opposite Neptune with Mars. Visionary ideas and imagination can blur the boundaries of reality, making you unsure where you stand, as if navigating through a fog. Utilizes energy by grounding the diffused energy into creative projects or spiritual practice
Mars in Virgo will be able to find a practical routine that keeps track of the details, and it may be a good time for dealing with health issues or tidying up and getting organized. Your focus and energies will be on getting stuff done rather than criticizing problems or worrying when things appear to go wrong, but the trine to Pluto gives excellent willpower and purpose with the potential to reform how you assert yourself and how you use your energy. The trine to Uranus will provide innovative ideas and inspiration to see a way forward and get what you want.
Mercury will retrograde on August 23rd in Virgo while conjunct Mars, opposing Neptune and trine Jupiter conjunct Uranus. The Sun and Saturn will be opposed, trine to the North Node, and make a T square with the Moon opposite Uranus. The Moon also opposes Jupiter, which sextile Mercury conjuncts Mars, trine Neptune, and sextile Pluto. Venus will be square Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars are trine Uranus and oppose Neptune, as Mars is also trine Jupiter and Pluto. At this time, the energy of Mercury will turn inwards and slow down so you can rethink how you relate to the Virgo part of your chart. This may involve exploring practical issues around your health and daily routines, and you can find assistance from the grand trine of Mars, Uranus, trine Pluto. The sun will have just entered Virgo and is opposite Saturn, which amplifies self-confidence and self-doubt, and you may feel restricted by too much responsibility or structures that hold you back.

The Neptune to Mercury opposition Mars conjunction may feel some of those structures, but it also increases the possibility of confusion and misunderstanding associated with Mercury stationing retrograde. Mars will try to cut through the fog, but he might make arguments and harsh words likely. The opposition from Jupiter and Uranus to the Moon in Scorpio the master of dark emotions and powerful feelings that could change suddenly and in unpredictable ways. But Jupiter and Uranus also trine Mercury-Mars conjunction, which supports a desire for a deeper understanding of your experiences.
The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction might boost the need for individuality and freedom to be yourself, and your intuition could bring insights into reality that will transform your perceptions in radical ways. This insight can be practical throughout the Taurus area of your chart. The halfway point in the retrograde cycle will be reached early next Month, and Mercury stations will direct in mid-September. The 31st of August will be the Full Moon in Pisces, the Sun in Virgo opposite the Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn.
Retrograde Mercury will trine Jupiter conjunct Uranus while Venus squares Jupiter and Mars is opposite Neptune and try and Pluto. Chiron conjunct north node while you were in a sex doll Neptune and trine Pluto, Neptune sextile Pluto, and Pluto squares the nodes. This lunation will be restless with a strong desire to get organized and focus on the practical details of your daily routine, so you may want to sort out your health or channel your energies into service, and you may feel pressured to work hard and take responsibility for your feelings or family members.
This sensitive and dreamy Moon will feel inhibited by Saturn, withdrawn and lonely, and struggling with self-doubt, but you may be able to give form to creative ideas or commit to a spiritual practice involving great self-discipline. Venus still enjoys herself in Leo; the good and the bad can be hard, but Jupiter is increasing her appetite and self-indulgence. Mars is now in his detriment in Libra, where he wants to fight for justice and fairness when we suffer indecision and passive-aggressive. The Neptune opposition will make him even more confused about what he wants, but you may be able to put this energy into artistic and creative projects with the help of the trine from Pluto.

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Individual horoscope below👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Individual Horoscope
Jupiter and Uranus will start off the month in earth-bound Taurus, but Mercury, Minerva, and Mars will be in Virgo, providing a strong link between money, talent, and work, which sums up this month for you, which is about work, service, and dieting. August 9-10th and August 12-17th can bring you good results and practical levels; use this time window to harvest your past efforts. Love and creativity can blossom during the New Moon on August 16th and plant seeds for new creations you can start working on once Venus turns direct on September 5th.
August 18th and 19th might be over-critical, over-analytical, or you may suffer from someone else's judgment; therefore, keep an eye out for those days, but there will be a tendency to make hidden enemies, especially among your clients or coworkers; you must watch out for fake smiles. Mercury will be in retrograde motion in your house of work, health, diet, and routine on August 22nd; therefore, don't slack with your diet or any substances or emotional relapses to old routines.
This is a good time to go back to old projects, editing, or things you failed to complete in the past, and a lot of synchronicities and magic can happen with your work, even as there are glitches and mishaps. Mars, your ruler, will move into Libra, your opposite sign, into your house of relationships on August 28th, and since Mercury and Venus are retrograde, there could be some issues with lawsuits, competition, or with your partners in work and life, and this will last till mid-September. The Harvest Full Moon will happen at the end of the month, one of the most important lunations of the year, and the seeds you planted in March-May are coming to fruition, ready to be harvested.
Family, fun, good times, and days to travel to an adventure aesthetic destination would be ideal on August 13th. Meeting with relatives for vacation, packing and making sleeping accommodations that meet each age group's needs, and offering recreational opportunities, including swimming, boating, games, and sports venues.
Your work team's report will reflect a cooperative spirit and a positive attitude; they get the job done and strengthen the group's reputation. Outstanding accomplishments will be highlighted during the last week of the month and show how invested the group is in meeting and exceeding deadlines; you will get credit for demonstrating your leadership.
Potential Issues
The retrograde in the Earth sign of Mercury will start on August 23rd, and Virgo and contributor delays starting projects, obtaining alone, or enjoying some stress-free time off. Accommodations can be changed without notice; therefore, keep an eye out as Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on the 28th in your second house, generating a mix-up of the cost of goods and services. When dealing with reservations, check the paperwork and details in advance.
Rewarding days
4, 13, 18, 27
Challenging days
1, 10, 17, 23
Signature Essential Oil
Rosemary is Aries's signature essential oil as it is warming, stimulating, and has a no-nonsense aroma, like Arien's directness. This oil is excellent for headaches, sinusitis, and catarrh that plague the Arien people. Rosemary helps to restore yourself when you push yourself beyond your limits, toning your weary muscles and refreshing your tired mind.
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