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Leo 2023 Overview

Not every zodiac sign will have a successful year, as you will. Leo 2023 will give you opportunities to show off your charisma and shine with your creativity. Jupiter will transit to your house of the profession in the sign of Aries and help you explore new territories, develop structured plans and establish new professional contacts. You will travel for business-related matters and pleasure.

A solar eclipse in Aries will stimulate your interest in furthering your education, moving somewhere else, or meeting friends or family who live in another country. Mars in Gemini will transit directly on January 12, pushing you to be more active on social media. Mercury moves direct on January 18, making it easy for you to complete your goals that have been pending since last year.

Uranus will transit Taurus and start moving direct on January 22, which will make you face problems with colleagues at work. Saturn will be an Aquarius moving quickly through your area of relationships so that you get out of those with no function in your life. Neptune will be in Pisces transit in your area of money by sometimes opening your eyes, sometimes covering them, when ambiguous economic complications emerge, challenging you to solve the conflict.

Pluto will be in Capricorn, reminding you to take care of your Health. Pluto does not understand middle terms; therefore, examine your bad habits deeply and illuminate them.

Mars will be retrograde from the beginning of 2023 until the middle of January, and at this stage, you will be questioning your future, feeling insecure, and planning a new beginning. Make sure you do not make any decisions until Mercury and Mars have finished the retrograde. Mars is transiting your sign from the end of May to the middle of July; you will feel fresh, and your energy will allow you to start new projects; focus on what motivates you and act wisely; do not wait for others to bring your ideas; to life.

Venus will retrograde on July 22 in your sign, so sit still until September 3, as you'll feel as if everything is slowing down, and your energy level will drop significantly. You will feel anxious, and you will be very stubborn. This is the time to pause and rest.


Jupiter will be in Aries and your ninth solar house, renewing your passions for long-distance travel, foreign cultures, advanced degrees, and spirituality. Start planning for your future because Jupiter leaves Aries on May 16th and begins a rapid trip through Taurus' in your tenth solar house, which shines on your career. You'll have opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills while redirecting your focus and decision-making, managing teams, and setting strategic goals to improve the strength of your employing organization and satisfy the heresy that directs the mission.

While in Taurus, Jupiter will post for a few months turning retrograde on September 4 and going direct on December 30. This is a great opportunity, as in the last seven months of 2023, Jupiter will be in your tenth solar house. This can lead to promotion, raise and pay, performance awards, or professional recognition from the chain of command. Those born between July 24 and August 9th see the most of this, while Jupiter is in Taurus. Work on your career aspirations and other cherished goals to help your dreams come true.


Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020 in your seventh solar house of business and romantic partnership; this will add tension to long-standing liaison and give you more reason to pay attention to messages and communication from those that play a role in your life. Those born between August 15 and 23rd will see the most action as Saturn remains in Aquarius; this will be the time to strengthen bonds and differences; if you fail, it could be time to look at parting ways or find other business relationships.

Are your relationships healthy or toxic? Have you addressed the issues in the problem areas? Saturn will move into Pisces on March 7th for the next two years in your eighth solar house, partnerships, assets, savings, debts, loans, estates, and wills. Once transit has taken effect, it will involve dissolving unions, setting up a new union, paying child support, or initiating a business collaboration or partnership arrangement.

Saturn in Pisces will affect those Leos born between July 23rd and August 1st. Utilize this time and review your budgets, open a savings account, add to your retirement fund, and pay down your debts. Make sure to put extra money into your savings account that you receive from any bonuses or raises.


Uranus is in Taurus and will be retrograde until January 22; it will be in your Tenth solar house of career, authority figure, ambition, state of the organization, family, and the status quo. The unpredictable blue planet has been making disruptions since May 2018 in your work sector; of course, in addition to COVID-19 constraints, you've come to expect chaos, blowups, arguments out of nowhere, layoffs, firings, acquisitions, mergers, and inconvenient do-overs of plans and processes that used to keep the work flowing.

Uranus has been very disruptive, and if you needed to start a new position or go in another direction, everything was modified out of the blue. Still, on the other hand, you received unexpected rewards for the work you put into your organization. Some of you may have won the lottery or received large profits from selling property. You'll see most activity with the surprise-generating planet if you're born between August 7th and the 18th.


Since 2011 Neptune has been in your eighth solar house, which has been home for Pisces; your eighth solar house represents your partner's financial holdings, including your debt loan, mortgage, credit cards, insurance, wills, and estates. Neptune identifies with healing secrets, compassion, and psychological help and has been known to throw curveballs with confusion and doubt in your way when solving a partnership-related problem.

Emotional encounters can be very intense and draining, and sometimes the side effects are very harsh and unpleasant. Leos, born between August 15th and 21st, see the most activity from Neptune this year; if you're having issues with your partner, have a heart-to-heart talk.


Let's look back to January 2008 when Pluto, the planet affiliated with psychological Depth, arrived in your sixth solar house of daily routines, work habits, conditions, animal companions, interactions with teammates management, and nutrition. Have you noticed any issues associated with these things? Blocks have been created for you if your birthday falls between August 20 and 22nd; Pluto will be in conjunction, which is a stress giver and will affect you the most.

Make sure to look at your work and health habits and determine your level of satisfaction; if you have any fears, get help and readily let go of them. You hold the key to your more prosperous life; therefore, do not blame external forces. Pluto will enter Aquarius on March 23 and will retrograde on May 1st. The first degree of Aquarius and return to Capricorn on June 11 and complete the remaining months of a cycle, which officially ends in November 2024.

If you're a Leo born between July 23 and 24th, you will feel the energy as Pluto moves into Aquarius in late March, occupying your seventh solar house of roommates and business partnership; this will give you a few hints about how this transformational planet will function in this area of relationship in the future. In this case, be prepared to deal with intimate issues, share information with your partners, and use personal power to interact harmoniously with close contacts. Meditate, contemplate and pray to clear blocks to a happy, healthy life.


The first solar eclipse will take place on April 20 in Aries, and your ninth solar house of the higher mind, higher education, foreign countries, and culture, in law, philosophies, religion publishing, and long-distance travel. You will still be struggling with relocation and a work schedule that needed to be implemented last year if you were interested in enrolling in a degree program, and I have not done so you could resume your goal in the fall.

Make sure to take some quality time to reflect on what your next steps work on your résumé if you're contemplating a job change. On May 5, the lunar eclipse of the year will take place in Scorpio in your fourth solar house of home, foundation, family, (especially parents) occupants of your home to the physical structure of condition in your home, and features of your home, including kitchen dining quarters and family room. Look at any planets in your birth chart that occupy this house for clues about the nature of the conflict that might get in the way during the past year or conflicts that may have surfaced during the past year.

Harmonize your family by looking at the status of your relationship to improve compatibility; take action you see the attention to so that it does not escalate. On October 14th, the second solar eclipse of 2023 will take place in libra in your third solar house of communication, education, electronics, local travel, neighbor, siblings, and transportation. This will affect communication practices that affect your work and home routines, including equipment upgrades or new purchases.

You might purchase a new vehicle or change your morning routine to allow riding public transportation. Make sure to shop wisely to benefit from attractive offers. Meet your challenges by addressing them quickly and avoid misunderstandings or unnecessary delays.

The final eclipse is the lunar eclipse on October 28 in Taurus and your tenth solar house of job growth, career aspiration, authority, performance recognition, and organizational changes in direction. This eclipse shares the house with Jupiter in Taurus for most of the year, with Uranus and Taurus all year, challenging your Leo sun if you were born between July 28th and 30. You will have a boost of confidence and feel energized to move in a new direction and will be eager to take on innovative projects. Make sure you follow through on networking, embrace a desired rubble new option, and generate plans to bring out your finest.

Your Lucky Charms

Lucky Flowers: Poppy-Daisy-Sunflower

Lucky Colors: Orange- Yellow- Gold- Red

Lucky Birthstone: Topaz-Diamond-Garnet

Lucky Metal: Gold

Lucky Numbers: 1-5-9-19

Lucky Day: Sunday

Your Essential Oil

Jasmine, the king of oils(Rose the Queen) as the Lion, is considered the king of the beast. This oil is redolent of sunshine, and the plant is native to hot areas in northern Europe; Jasmine blooms when the sun is in Leo. This supreme oil is excellent for Leos when a dark cloud passes over their sunshine.

2023 Lucky Color

Blue is one of the freshest colors related to honesty and justice. Blue activates and increases vitality and healing and calms the nervous system. The color has disinfectant qualities, interrupts bleeding, and improves fever. Blue can also be used to speed up your metabolism, can be used for blood circulation, and activates your intuition and artistic expression. Combined with warmer colors, it helps with headaches, toothaches, high blood pressure, and bronchitis.

Associated with the water element, people with a robust blue aura are balanced. The freshest color on the spectrum symbolizes faith, truth, heaven, tranquility, and intelligence. Blue correlates with consciousness. The Egyptian Pharaoh wore blue to protect themselves from evil.

The color of the throat Chakra is blue, and Quartz representing blue are sapphire, blue topaz, and lapis lazuli. Use blue to become humble, move towards spiritual maturity, and evolve to a higher state of consciousness.

Light blue is used for spiritual development and peace.

Blue-green represents the will that is passive autonomous, possessive and immutable. Its aspects are persistence, self-affirmation, and self-esteem.

Turquoise blue is a refreshing, fresh, imaginative force that symbolizes youth. It has a sedative effect. Aquamarine stone represents this color which you can use to reduce stress and fatigue. It is used for decorating your home as it gives clarity to spaces. Combined with other colors, it helps to achieve restorative and deep sleep. It also strengthens interpersonal relationships.

Blue Aqua creates a peaceful, calming and tranquil state in the mind and nerves. It is an excellent color for meditation and helps with patience, faith, and acceptance. Dissolves fears and helps develop self-confidence and belief.

Sapphire blue heals, cleanses, and regenerates the body; it is also calming and frees you from emotional pain.

Dark blue represents experiences, depth, knowledge, and power.

2023 Lucky Quartz

Onyx, legend has it that Cupid cut Venus's nails while she was asleep, and they fell to the ground and transmuted into these wonderful stones; Onyx cleanses the Aura. In

times of stress, it helps make decisions wisely and can fulfill professional goals if used as an amulet. It supports those suffering from anxiety, and its properties can help connect you to higher spirit guides, and you can see everything.


2023 will be an excellent year for you in love as you seek adventure and dynamic emotions; your 2023 will be unforgettable. If you're in a relationship, you'll be wondering if that is the person you want to spend the rest of your days with. And this will especially happen if you are a couple that does not have a solid foundation. Leo, you are a sign that hates wasting time, which will be very present in 2023.

The person next to you should know that you will be focused on advancing professionally and succeeding and then personally cannot sabotage your plans. If your relationship is strong, it will survive all of these planetary demands by the end of the year; it will be like a Disney story. If you're single, this is a year of plenty of opportunities to meet

lovely people who will have connections with you from the moment they meet you. By the end of the year, many lions will have met their soulmate as you've done the inner work, making them less innocent when it comes to matters of the heart.

Pluto will be transitioning your area of relationship in 2023 from March to mid-June. You will be serious about relationships and want to take a step towards committing more seriously. Be careful because this transit can attract people who want to control or manipulate you and hear the lesson is the learn not to give up your power. Saturn has been in your area of relationship in the last year, and you must have already assimilated many difficult lessons, and many people have left your life.

Saturn wants you to become more responsible with the emotional bonds you establish, and when you do, focus on strengthening them. If the relationship does not bring something positive to your life, Saturn wants you to let them go. Many people will move away from you, but those who endure will be faithful. Mars will transit your area of love at the end of November, almost ending the year. Mars is the planet of energy, so you'll be super affectionate with those you love. More time will be spent on romance; setting a time for dating if you're single will be good.

Mercury retrograde at the end of December, creating would be an obstacle for your relationships. Still, it will only be for a week, so any conflict that appears, try to resolve it with tolerance so that you end the year with serenity.


2023 will be contradictory and challenging on your professional level but keep an eye open because you have a lot of envy around you and confidence in your work area. You will emerge victorious if you focus on your goals and do not get involved in absurd polemics. As the year starts, you'll feel stuck and unmotivated; that's the only short stage because Mercury and Mars are retrograde.

By mid-year, your income will boost, allowing you to invest in new projects and acquire items or products that you have wanted for so long but remember that even if your bank account is full of money, you should not lose your temper and start spending like crazy.

Uranus remains in your professional area through 2023 and will join Jupiter in May; this may be especially important for you, and you will be blessed to taste success. Opportunities will open up from many sides and allow you to meet new people that will be key for your future. This will come with many responsibilities, and setting aside moments to rest is essential. Mercury retrograde in a professional area before Jupiter leaves, which may bring you obstacles or disappointments; however, do not feel this horrified.

The lunar eclipse on October 28 will peak your great success, and rewards will come if you have done the right things. Resting is advisable if you cannot try not to be condescending to yourself and do not seek perfection. Mercury briefly returns to mid-December, and at this stage, take care of your stress levels, slow down and connect with the here and now.

There will be a lot of retrograde in your financial area this year; you should not lose control, but during the year, new income opportunities will come to you because of new commercial projects. Good communication strategies will be essential to achieve your goals. You must dedicate yourself to buying and selling in 2023 if you want to be successful; regardless of what you decide to sell or market, you'll be cosmically favorite.


This year will help you a lot Leos as we all know that you love to be the provider for your family. At times those around you will feel you are absent, but that is a false perception since you are also remarkably busy with other plans. Find the balance between work responsibly and family, and you make many demands to face.

You will seek company from your closest friends to travel and have fun, but new friendships will materialize this year. The lunar eclipse on May 5 brings intense energy to your family and emotional life. If you're at home foundation is not well rooted, be prepared to deal with conflicts.

Mars will also be in this area from late August to mid-October and may bring some family disputes. A solar eclipse joins the planet Mars in October, and at this point, everything will be magically arranged. There will be some general areas of crisis in your family, and a close person might be demanding more than ever, which may unbalance you mentally. Just be prepared.


You must learn to say "No" often in 2023 if you want optimal health. Do not doubt your vitality, but if you throw everyone's problems on your back, you will get sick. Make sure you exercise, channel stagnant energy, and focus on eradicating harmful habits to your health and replacing them with healthy ones.


Try not to stress this year, as you might limit yourself from living intensely. Learning to have emotional intelligence by looking objectively at yourself and knowing your weakness is critical to evolving. It is a year for you to dream of falling in love and feel something different for someone; the planet advises you not to get caught and open the fantasies and let go of the past. Enjoy the person next to you. Do not let work destructively influence your health, as it will create more unpleasant environments at home.

Analyze your daily life as it might deserve special attention; Pluto will help you understand and improve. It is an excellent time to start a healthy diet and exercise or practice any other technique that helps you to reach the weight that indicates you are healthy. Imagine where you want to be in the future, be concise, and strategically plan.

Make sure you control your emotions and sadness but do not stop them because they are helpful in some moments. The key is to find a balance so that you are not hostage to them, be objective, and remember that the most excellent support is yourself. You will get where you want to little by little, and when you get to where you want to, you will have confidence in yourself. Always think when there are obstacles, there are lessons to be learned

Have a great 2023, Leo!



— 2023 HOROSCOPE Magical Days: Your astrological forecast and all the secret about you …. by Artemisia - Mirzia

— Llewellyn's 2023 Sun Sign Book: Horoscopes for Everyone by Llewellyn

— Horoscope 2023 by Alina A. Rubi, Angeline A. Rubi

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