This Full Moon in Pisces will be good for Taureans, Cancerians, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces but challenging for everyone else. The energy of this Full Moon is fun, and it may prompt many sighs of relief.
The Pisces Full Moon signifies the realization of dreams. With Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, in conjunction with Saturn, this alignment symbolizes the potential for bringing an ideal vision to life. Neptune is linked to manifesting dreams and ideals, while Saturn represents the structure necessary to make these visions tangible. However, Neptune also governs themes of psychosis, disillusionment, martyrdom, and victimhood. This period may be an excellent opportunity for introspection regarding what you wish to bring into existence. With Saturn's influence, anything emerging now will likely achieve significant success.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is on the verge of entering its retrograde phase. During this Pisces supermoon, we may see a resurgence and strengthening of the foundations and structures necessary to achieve your aspirations or the collective dreams of humanity. This Pisces Moon carries a dreamy and romantic essence, leaning towards grounded expression, while its connection to the stars stabilizes the energies being stirred up. The influence of Saturn brings a sense of practicality, and the current celestial atmosphere is mutable, allowing for adaptability amid the changes unfolding.
At this stage, focus on the facts rather than solely on your desires. Listen to people's actions instead of just their words—the Harvest Full Moon presents you with a wealth of unique opportunities to turn your dreams into reality.
Diffusive Nature
The Moon in Pisces indicates a need for emotional merging and a willingness to embrace the indefinite "other" to find comfort. The behaviors and personality traits linked to this placement stem from the desire to dissolve oneself emotionally. While there is a sense of harmony with the moon, particularly in emotional matters, individuals with this placement may also experience inner conflict. The Moon embodies our emotions, whereas Pisces represents transcendent and impersonal feelings. This relationship can yield both positive vibrations and negative tensions. As a mutable water sign, Pisces enhances the Moon's watery energy, which may manifest as an abundance of emotional energy or challenges in managing emotions.
Our emotions are inherently fluid and can become even more unpredictable when the Moon is in Pisces. As water requires a vessel, Pisces does not provide a dependable container. The positive aspects of this dynamic include the vastness of your emotional spectrum and your ability to show compassion and emotional awareness.
Pisces Moon Personality
Pisces are viewed as wise due to their capacity to accept differences. They tend to avoid anger or placing blame on others. Instead, they often take responsibility for situations, sometimes even blaming themselves. Their selflessness can become a double-edged sword, as unscrupulous individuals may exploit their compassionate nature. While Pisces are romantic and idealistic, they may also be in codependent relationships. They can struggle with addiction and may attract those with similar issues, which can lead to significant personal costs and challenges.
Individuals born under the sign of Pisces need ample time to reflect on their deep emotional nature, ensuring their overall well-being in body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Engaging in creative expression serves as a means for them to navigate their thoughts and feelings. While Pisces are lovely and loyal friends, they often enjoy their own company, even though they are compassionate and forgiving.
Pisces is a mutable sign that excels in adapting to shifting situations; they often struggle to discern when selecting friends and associates, as they tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and excuse others' behavior. Pisces aims to embrace its material existence as a human being, recognizing all its traits and flaws without being swayed by material temptations. They must learn to integrate and rise above their lower instincts to realize their divine potential. As a Pisces Moon, you must create space for yourself, establishing the necessary boundaries to heal emotional wounds. Engaging with reading, music, and films can be excellent ways for them to unwind and release the world's pressures. Daydreaming and visualization can provide further support.
Mantra for Pisces: Embrace the power of the mantra "Om" during this Full Moon. Chant it aloud or in silence each day—whether in the shower, before or after meditation, or whenever it resonates with you.
Positive + Negative Qualities
The Moon’s position in Pisces indicates you resonate with certain personality traits and characteristics. Below are the typical qualities associated with the Moon in Pisces, highlighting positive traits and their more negative or dysfunctional counterparts. These attributes are categorized into four areas that align with the primary functions represented by the Moon: emotions, habits and behaviors, family/mother dynamics, and your connection to the past or collective experiences.
Emotion: A sense of inner tranquility, the ability to show compassion and care, awareness of others' emotional needs and struggles, and an intuitive connection that allows for understanding how others feel and how to respond—versus emotional turmoil, instability, irrational fears, dependency, heightened sensitivity, and vulnerability.
Habits and behavior: Â Tranquil demeanor, relaxed approach, driven by emotions, forward-thinking, empathetic towards others - Impulsive, shirking responsibility, influenced by feelings, susceptible to addiction, misleading (both to oneself and others), and a tendency to excessively prioritize the well-being of others, potentially compromising one's health.
Family/Mother: A caring and nurturing family environment, possibly with a religious influence, fosters positive family dynamics and encourages emotional attunement. In contrast, family dynamics characterized by emotional chaos may arise if a parent (often the mother) struggles with addiction or compulsive lying, leading to emotional dependency or an excessive focus on emotions.
Relationship to past/collective: Universal acknowledgment of diverse cultures, sensitivity to shared experiences, and an understanding of humanity, alongside a connection to religious or spiritual heritage – Uncritical acceptance of societal conditioning, receptiveness to the occult, a tendency to reshape history for personal motives, and an excessive romanticization of the past or specific causes.
Take A Look At Your Chart
Every individual feels the impact of the Pisces Full Moon in various aspects of their chart. Here are several areas where you might experience the effects of the Pisces Full Moon:
In which house does the Pisces Full Moon reside in your chart? This is the area where you will feel the most significant impact.
Neptune, known as the dreamer of the zodiac, rules the sign of Pisces (12th house). With the Pisces Full Moon aligned with Saturn (10th house), there is a strong potential to embrace romantic ideals, dreams, and fantasies.
The traditional ruler of Pisces is Jupiter (9th house), so it's vital to consider Jupiter's position in your chart and which personal planets are aspecting it (both at your birth and currently by transit). This is particularly relevant now that Jupiter is entering a retrograde phase, as its influence may become more pronounced.
Neptune (along with Jupiter) symbolizes your connection to the Divine. Both of these planets guide your perspective on life. They can influence whether you lean towards a more enthusiastic outlook on your experiences.
Do Jupiter and Neptune have positive aspects in your natal chart, or are they facing challenges? If there are stressful interactions with your natal Neptune and Jupiter, it's important to note them. Challenging aspects present opportunities for growth and transformation. Always allow yourself to be guided toward the best path forward.
Which personal planets reside in your 12th and 9th houses? Are there any harmonious or difficult aspects connecting these houses to any of your planets? The harmonious aspects provide support and bolster your feelings of esteem and recognition on a global scale. Challenging aspects will intensify your difficulties during this period.
One of the beautiful aspects of Pisces/Neptune or the Jupiter influence is that both are mutable signs. Unlike fixed signs that resist change, mutable signs welcome and adapt to change.
The Moon transitions swiftly through each sign and house, which means that while events may significantly influence your emotions, they are temporary. If you experience heightened feelings during the Pisces Full Moon, it's wise to allow your emotions to calm before making any decisions. This is a fantastic opportunity to recognize a dream or witness the realization of something you've desired for a long time.
Questions to Ask?
Have I been so lost in my thoughts that I haven't accomplished enough and made avoidable mistakes?
Have I been excessively sensitive and easily affected by others?
Have I been playing the martyr role or too readily influenced by others?
Am I meditating daily, and if not, what are the reasons?
Have I connected with my intuitive side and pursued my dreams and instincts?
11th House Moon
The 11th House is known as your Friends Zone.
This month emphasizes the importance of social connections, group activities, and friendships. It focuses on pursuing aspirations and dreams, enhancing business income and assets, seeking assistance from others, supporting community initiatives, and participating in various groups, clubs, and organizations.
In the next two weeks, you might encounter some challenges with friends. Stay emotionally vigilant, as the Full Moon can stir up strong feelings about friendships and unfulfilled aspirations.
Messages: While it may be tempting to center your focus on personal enjoyment and pleasures, especially if you have a creative spirit that thrives on self-expression, it's important to remember that life is meant for enjoyment. However, this month's Full Moon, positioned in your 11th House, reminds you to balance indulging in your desires and giving attention to the important people in your life.
Forgive anyone who brings you down, moments when you doubt your parenting skills, or times when you've taken life too seriously. Be grateful and make a gratitude list.
On the night of the Full Moon, affirm: "I am a wonderful friend, and I attract amazing friends!" Also, declare: "My dreams and wishes are now coming to fruition!"
Organs influenced by Pisces Moon Sign:
Organs: Feet, toes, hypophysis, pineal gland, endorphin, melatonin.
These organs may be more sensitive now; therefore, take extra care.
Surgical operations:
NO! - Surgical operations are strongly not recommended during the Full Moon!
Moon Aspects
25° 40’ Pisces Full Super Moon
Wednesday, September 18, 6:34 pm PT 25° 47’ Lunar Eclipse Partial
Wednesday, September 18, 6:45 pm PT
Moon (Pisces Conjunct Neptune Rx (Pisces) Opposes Sun (Virgo)
Moon (Pisces) Sextile Uranus Rx (Taurus) and Pluto Rx (Capricorn)
Sun (Virgo) Trine Uranus Rx (Taurus)
Mercury (Virgo Opposes Saturn Rx (Pisces)
Venus (Libra) Square Pluto Rx (Capricorn)
This Full Moon is the most emotionally charged of the year, offering a chance to reveal and release what no longer serves you. The Pisces Full Moon, in alignment with Saturn, can help stabilize any overwhelming emotions that arise. This Full Moon signifies the conclusion of the Zodiac year, a time for harvesting the fruits of your efforts.
This lunar phase will emphasize the conflict between your need for structure and practicality and your longing for transcendence, creativity, and idealism. The Full Moon enhances the dreamy, intuitive atmosphere, fostering compassion and selflessness. You may find yourself able to manifest creative ideas or incorporate spirituality into your daily life through mindfulness practices. The Jupiter T-square encourages you to broaden your horizons and connect with something beyond yourself, echoing Neptune's idealism, which might lead to feelings of overconfidence or unrealistic expectations. This contrast could unsettle the grounded Sun element, potentially causing health issues due to nervous tension and stress.
The Sun will conjunct with Mercury, who can use his realism and pragmatic thinking to ground and test your intuition. Mercury will be happy to be in Virgo and ready to work in discerning the facts, solving problems, and communicating in ways that serve others. There may be critical or negative thinking, which will be reinforced by the opposition to Saturn, which slows the mind down and forces you to deal with reality. Saturn helps you think more structured and productively to achieve concrete results. You can put your ideas into form, although it might need to be prepared and take longer than usual. Self-doubt could make communication more difficult, but the Tsquare from Jupiter may offset the worst of it with optimism and positivity.
Healing Gemstones & Crystals
Labradorite—This remarkable spiritual stone offers strong protection and healing properties. It's particularly beneficial for workaholics, high achievers, and caregivers who often give too much of themselves. As a restorative stone, labradorite aids in replenishing depleted energy and encourages self-healing.
Labradorite—Blue • (Third Eye) • INDIGO
Activates the third eye chakra to enhance psychic awareness of alternate dimensions. It encourages communication with interplanetary and multidimensional healers and guardians, protecting negative entities and disruptions. This energy fosters connections with angels and the universal mind grid, facilitates contact with the Lords of Karma for healing both past and present lives, and supports the realization of karmic awareness. It purifies and heals the mental body and the universal mental grid.
Labradorite—Golden • (Solar Plexus) • YELLOW AND GOLD
Heals willpower, concentration, courage, and clarity; encourages the pursuit of personal freedom; aids individuals who allow themselves to be manipulated by others as well as those who do the manipulating; diminishes codependency and co-alcoholism; infuses the etheric double, emotional body aura, and mental body aura with Light; opens and heals the mental body and Light Body; fosters connection with both the mental and Earth grids; alleviates confusion and indecision.
Essential Oils
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) - Regulating oils that promote emotional balance. Staying emotionally stable is essential, especially during a Pisces Full Moon, as it can bring about feelings of lunacy or excessive excitement. With extremes more likely during this time, staying grounded and embracing the potential for unexpected possibilities to unfold is essential.
Metaphysically, the lymphatic system and immune function are connected to a high sense of self-worth and a belief in your capabilities. When you experience self-doubt and lack confidence in your ability to care for yourself, your immune function may suffer. This can lead to weakened psychic defenses against external threats. Bergamot oil can be beneficial in boosting morale and enhancing self-esteem, helping you to restore strength and regain confidence.
Pisces Full Moon Blend
Bergamot-25 drops
Lavender- 25 dropsÂ
Frankincense - 20 dropsÂ
Orange- 25 drops
Add your essential oils to a 5ml colored glass euro-dropper bottle. Cap the bottle tightly and shake vigorously to blend the oils thoroughly. Allow the oils to synergize for 12 hours or longer before using.
Pisces Full Moon Meditation
Perform meditation from the Pisces Full Moon until the Last Quarter waning Moon in Gemini on September 24th.
What you will need:
A white candle.
Essential oil or blend - choose from the suggested oils or combine.
Find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed.
Light the white candle and breathe in the aroma of the essential oil.
Prepare your meditation space with the scent using an aroma diffuser.
Focus on the candle flame while taking deep breaths, releasing any tension. The flame mirrors your Divine heart center.
Keep inhaling the oil's scent and releasing tension for 1-5 minutes.
Comment below on your thoughts on this Full Moon, and for help, let us know which house and planet you have, Pisces. Be sure to also subscribe and stay in the loop.
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— 2024 Astrological Moon Calendar: with Empowerment Meditations, Angels, Affirmations, Crystals & Essential Oils by KG STILES
— Moon Magic: A Handbook of Lunar Cycles, Lore, and Mystical Energies (Mystical Handbook) by Aurora Kane
— Moon Power: Empowerment through Cyclical Living (A Conscious Guide) by Merilyn Keskulab