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What Does the Part of Fortune in Virgo Mean for Your Astrological Chart?

part of fortune in virgo goddess

Individuals with this part of fortune in Virgo often associate good fortune with perfection and may seek it through perfectionism. You view good fortune through a Virgoan lens and strive for it by embodying typical Virgo traits. Positive opportunities arise when you focus on details and hold yourself to high standards. Good fortune may result from your hard work, while misfortune can manifest when you neglect self-care or the responsibilities of daily life.

The mistake associated with the Virgo Part of Fortune is that you often find it challenging to appreciate your good fortune due to your high expectations. You tend to permit yourself to enjoy positive outcomes only when you are preoccupied with preparing for their arrival. Typically, you may believe that good fortune will manifest when you are organized, have a positive self-image, and when life feels stable and predictable.


Good fortune seems insufficient for you, and the perfection you expect from life is unrealistic. You lament your situation, often blaming and criticizing others and yourself when you fail to achieve a certain level of luck. You might even undermine your efforts to attain good fortune, mistakenly believing you must be flawless to deserve it. As a result, you may overlook the blessings that come your way, as anything less than perfect is not recognized as good fortune in your perspective.

Virgo Essential oils:
lavender essential oil

Signature oil


Its refreshing and invigorating fragrance aids in fostering inner freedom from compulsive behaviors. Like numerous essential oils, lavender can assist in breaking negative mental patterns, such as Virgo's harsh inner critic or detrimental self-talk. Lavender oil is a fantastic skincare product that enhances healing and rejuvenation for various skin types, such as dehydrated, inflamed, or cracked skin. Its anti-inflammatory characteristics are beneficial for addressing conditions like rashes, acne, eczema, boils, dermatitis, leg ulcers, and psoriasis.

Carrier oils:

  • almond

  • hazelnut

  • pecan

  • pomegranate


BIRTHSTONES Sardonyx, Peridot




  • Agate

  • Amazonite

  • Amber

  • Blue Topaz

  • Carnelian

  • Cerussite

  • Chrysocolla

  • Citrine

  • Dioptas

  • Garnet

    • Magnesite

    • Moonstone

    • Opal

    • Purple Obsidian

    • Red Tourmaline

    • Rutilated Quartz (Angel Hair)

    • Sapphire

    • Smithsonite

    • Sodalite

    • Sugilite

    • Vanadinite

    • Violet Spinel

    • Watermelon Tourmaline

Virgo birthstones

Peridot, your birthstone, adds a touch of brightness and vitality while enhancing your keen perception. It aids in shedding habits that hinder your progress and promotes self-compassion – a crucial element in combatting self-criticism. Peridot's powerful cleansing properties help break free from negative cycles and past burdens. If you have completed essential inner work, Peridot swiftly propels you towards a new phase of personal growth, urging you to tap into your higher energies for direction.


You hold integrity and ethical behavior in high regard, and your Sardonyx birthstone reflects these attributes. Being steadfast and reliable, this stone aligns with your quest for a purposeful life and aids in information processing. Boosting your determination fortifies your personality and improves your self-discipline. Sardonyx supports your desire to delve deep into matters until you reach the core. It assists in fostering stable relationships and drawing good friends towards you.

Leave a comment if your sun sign is in Virgo and the house.

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— The Crystal Zodiac: Use Birthstones to Enhance Your Life by Judy Hall

— Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs by Gargatholil

— Crystal Zodiac: An Astrological Guide to Enhancing Your Life with Crystals by Katie Huang

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