The planetary vibrations that are central this month:
Pluto 1° Aquarius
Neptune 26–27° Pisces
Uranus 19–20° Taurus
Saturn 9–13° Pisces
Jupiter 11–17° Taurus.
Individual horoscope below👇🏾👇🏾

Throughout the month, all planets will be in direct motion. March starts with stelliums and conjunctions concentrated in Aquarius, Taurus, Pisces, and Aries. The Sun and Mercury start in Pisces, while Venus and Mars are closely aligned in Aquarius. Mercury transitions to Aries just before Venus moves away from Mars and enters Pisces mid-month, followed by Mars towards month-end. The equinox sees the Sun entering Aries, marking the start of the eclipse season at month-end. The New Moon in Pisces on March 10 aligns with Saturn and Neptune and forms a sextile with Uranus. Mercury in Aries, conjunct Neptune in Pisces, sextiles Pluto, as Venus and Mars conjoin in Aquarius.
Mars squares Jupiter and Uranus, while a Chiron sextile aligns with the North Node. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, forming a sextile with Saturn, as Neptune sextiles Pluto. This New Moon sustains recent weeks' sensitive and imaginative energy, possibly leading to feelings of distraction or a tendency to delve into romance and fantasy. Saturn encourages a practical approach to realizing aspirations. The Neptune influence may dominate, dissolving boundaries and inspiring profound intuitive insights. This period is ideal for spiritual practices, meditation, and introspection, although validating your intuition is essential. With Mercury entering Aries, thoughts and communication accelerate, emphasizing independent thinking. Neptune's visionary influence supports creative expression but may lead to confusion and unrealistic daydreams.

Venus and Mars, still conjoined in Aquarius, advocate for freedom and equality, challenged by a square from Jupiter that boosts self-assurance and optimism. However, be cautious of pushing too hard or reacting impulsively. Uranus' square intensifies unpredictability, urging you to channel this energy positively. As the Sun enters Aries on March 21, the equinox heralds harmonious trines and sextiles, fostering a well-rounded approach to personal growth and relationships. This is a prime moment to stay true to yourself and seize the chance to embark on something fresh and daring. While you might sense a surge in energy empowering you to act, remember to reflect before making any decisions. Although rash actions can occur, mainly when driven by self-centeredness and insensitivity, Neptune's influence can soften your approach and spark a new vision. It's about embracing your authentic self, guided by the Moon's illumination and enhanced by Pluto's transformative touch.
Mercury's presence in Aries encourages speaking openly about your past and articulating new ideas with clarity, offering potential healing for yourself and others. However, be cautious of hurtful words or tendencies to engage in disputes, especially if you are adamant about being right. With Mercury entering its retrograde shadow, any new endeavors or concepts initiated now may require reevaluation when it turns retrograde next month. Meanwhile, Venus in Pisces evokes dreams of romance, love, and ideal relationships, prompting creativity or relaxation to indulge in daydreams. Despite Saturn's realistic influence, promoting commitment in relationships or financial matters.
Jupiter stands ready to back positive changes driven by self-assurance and optimism. Mars, seeking liberty and innovation in Aquarius, spurred on by Uranus, fuels determination. This alignment may trigger restlessness, impulsiveness, or even reckless behavior. Yet, it can also facilitate breaking free from constraints, supported by Jupiter's optimism.

The upcoming Full Moon in Libra, accompanied by a lunar eclipse, sets the stage for a balancing act between independence and harmonious relationships. Mercury's alignment with Chiron and the North Node and Venus joining Saturn in Pisces suggests a period of introspection and evaluation in relationships and creative pursuits. Mars' shift into Pisces intensifies emotions and prompts a need for clarity amidst confusion. This phase may evoke passive-aggressive tendencies driven by undefined emotions but offers an opportunity for spiritual growth and intuitive action. As March progresses, the cosmic alignments urge you to align your actions with a deeper purpose and navigate uncertainties with faith. Mars' upcoming conjunction with Saturn emphasizes the need to assess the feasibility of current endeavors. Stay open to intuitive guidance, embrace creativity, and adapt to changing circumstances to progress effectively.
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Individual horoscope below👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Individual Horoscope

Dates: March 21 - April 20
Element: fire
Planet: Mars Qualities: cardinal
Tarot card: Emperor/Empress
Color: red
Stone: Diamond
Signature Essential Oil: Rosemary
Flowers: thistle
Mascot: golden fleece, weapon, hammer
Best Compatibility: Sagittarius, Leo

This month, astrological influences will prompt personal growth, self-discovery, and courageous steps. Embrace change, nurture relationships, and align with your true purpose. On March 1st, the sun's alignment with Jupiter will bring optimism, confidence, and a sense of expansion. This empowering connection will motivate you to chase your dreams and take calculated risks to reach your goals. Mercury's interactions with celestial bodies throughout the month will enhance your mental agility and creativity. On the 2nd, Mercury's semi-sextile with Mars will boost your ability to express ideas assertively and take decisive action. Utilize this energy to follow your passions and assert yourself in all aspects of life. Be prepared for unpredictable love and relationship dynamics on March 3rd, when Venus squares Uranus. Stay open to change and unconventional connections, but maintain balance and avoid impulsive decisions. On March 6th, Pluto's semi-sextile with the Sun will empower you to let go of old patterns and embrace personal transformation. Mars' interactions with Neptune and Chiron will infuse your actions with compassion, spiritual insights, and healing energy. Trust your intuition as you navigate various situations this month. Mercury's conjuncts, the True North Node on March 18th, will deepen your connections with others, fostering meaningful conversations and collaborations. The Sun's Sextile with Pluto on March 21st will strengthen your resolve to make transformative changes. Embrace your true self, pursue your passions with determination, and take bold steps forward. Trust your instincts, nurture relationships, and explore new possibilities with this transformative journey.
2024 Essential Oil

Lavender is one of the most loved essential oils, with a sweet, clean, fresh, and floral scent that is freeing to the senses. Lavender can be used for various issues such as rashes, acne, boils, and dermatitis, but it can also be an immune stimulant to strengthen the body's immune system. Lavender is anti-depressive and sedative, which makes it excellent for balancing mood and extreme emotions, which will be suitable for Ariens this year when they face conflict.
Fruitful days
1st, 7th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 21st and 25th.
Challenging days
3rd, 20th.
Do you know the color, Essential oil, and Stone that's for you in 2024?
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